Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly No. 383 Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree Archdiocese of Washington District Meetings held at 8:00 P.M. - First Monday of each Month Prince George's Council, College Park, Maryland
"Knights Dedicated to the Service of Others"
July through September 2009
Faithful Friar's Message
I don't know if you remember the story in the Gospels where the King threw a party and the people he had invited chose not to attend. He then sent his servants out to invite everyone to the party and when the hall was full, the party began. He then mixed with his guests and found someone not dressed appropriately for the occasion and had him removed from the feast. I always thought that was unfair. Since he had invited everyone off the street, as it were, why would he be so persnickety about their dress? The point of the story was that that person was not ready to celebrate with the others; the man had not prepared himself properly to come before the King.
Choice is such a powerful tool in each of our lives. We get to make decisions, or we don't get to make them, about almost everything in our lives. Although we can opt for things, sometimes we feel forced to do things we don't want to do. We can speed, but could get a ticket; we can lie, but that would betray trust; we can be mean and then we have to bear the consequences; we can be nice and make things better; we can share and lift another's spirits; we can eat too much and hurt ourselves; we can smoke, drink too much, curse or swear and none of those things are good for us, but we can do them because we have free will and choice. Sometimes we are asked to do things that are a little uncomfortable, but appropriate. We all give up some of our freedom for the sake of everyone's safety and well being.
One of the choices that we can make, and hopefully do make, is to participate in Mass weekly. We do this because God invites us to join with Him and share in His love and it is good for us. Some people choose not to respond to this invitation; some people respond but seemingly not as wholeheartedly as they might; some come willingly but a little late or leave a little early for motives that aren't always demanding. We all have to make choices and some choices are better than others.
One choice we make is how we dress for Church. I would ask that ALL of us try to remember that Mass is different than the movies or shopping, that Church is different than the mall or a back yard picnic and that it would help us think about what we are doing if we took the time to choose to dress appropriately for being in the presence of God.
When we take the time to think about it, clean up, get dressed in some special way to come before the Lord, it makes a difference in our preparation, our attitude, our focus and our commitment to be with Him in a way that is different than all the other things we have to do. I urge all of us to make the time to prepare and to present ourselves in a way that speaks of our focus on God and our willingness to see Him as different from everything and everyone else. There is not a specific dress code, but if we all do our best for Him, that is all He asks of us.
S/K Msgr. Mike
Worthy Master's Log
June is the month of transitions: Graduations, Marriages, Vacations, and New Beginnings. In our Councils and Assemblies new officers are getting ready with grand ideas and wonderful goals, budgets, programs, and building and growing. Meanwhile, the past officers are wondering where the time went, and what programs were successful and which were somewhat less successful or failed to launch. Boy, if I could only do it over again…………
Becoming a Past Faithful Navigator is a journey, and the path is not the way it was mapped out way back in June 2008. There were a few bumps, some road blocks, some uphill climbs and a few fun runs. Along the road you learned a few tricks, met some new friends, and did some real good for others. Somehow with the help of a few friends it all worked out and all in all it was a good time.
As the Immediate Past Faithful Navigator (IPFN), most of you will become the Faithful Admiral and Membership Director. It is now your turn to help build the assembly and make it stronger. Give the new officers the benefit of your experience, but in a quiet and friendly way. Give the new FN room to grow and allow a few minor miscalculations.
Likewise the new Faithful Navigators should push their programs and plans, but allow a couple of advisors to guide you over some of the bumps in the road. To help you along the way, the District Staff is putting together a revised Training Seminar – a bigger and better road map to help you on your journey to PFN.
Given the world situation we must continue to emphasize support for our veterans, our military men and women, and especially our Military Chaplains. We also need to foster programs that stress the educational aspects of the Fourth Degree. We can do this with new programs and we can do it by example. The curriculum is broad – just about anything to do with God, Country, or the Order will qualify. I would also like to see more involvement with schools and scouting. Put your thinking caps on and let’s see what you can come up with.
Remember that the District Staff is only a phone call or an email away. Some have been up and down that bumpy road a few times and all are willing to help. If the Assemblies are successful, the District will be successful. During the summer holidays, please keep in prayer all families and friends that are going through some difficult times. Prayer is the key to making us all get closer to our Brother Jesus.
Let’s make sure we keep working to support our Order by each Sir Knight recruiting one First Degree Knight both in the Maryland District as well as in the Washington DC Council area. If we do this we will be continuing to be “Building our Communities through Service, Charity, Unity and Fraternity.” Also know we are One Nation Under God, but it does come at a price. God Bless America and God Bless you and your families!
Faithful Navigator’s Message
S/K John Landicho, PGK, FN
July was a busy month for our Assembly. The Investiture of Officers was held at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Beltsville, Maryland, following the 12 Noon Mass on Sunday, July 19, 2009. The Mass was con-celebrated by Faithful Friar S/K Rev. Msgr. Mike Wilson, and Associate Faithful Friars S/K Rev. Msgr. Joaquin Bazan and Fr. Quill. Deacon S/K Rev. Mr. Perfecto Santiago, Faithful Associate Friar, assisted them. We say thank you!
A Reception was held subsequently at PG Council 2809. At this Reception I announced the initiation of a new tradition—the Honoree of the Year. I named S/K Bill McMahon, PGK, FDD, PFN for his dedicated and outstanding service to our Assembly and Order who was supported by his wife, Lady Jean. I took the opportunity to thank S/K Don Kutzera, Sr. PGK and immediate Past Faithful Navigator for a successful past fraternal year and to thank all the Officers who served with him. The new Officers and their Ladies were recognized. The officers are listed on the left side on the front page of our Dispatch (hardcopy); on the right side of the blog. And, I want to thank these Sir Knights for “stepping-forward” as Officers and their wonderful Ladies who support them! And, I recognized a special group—the children—and thanked them for being present.
At our Regular Meetings held on Monday July 6th and August 3, 2009 and Executive Meeting, held on Monday, July 20th, the following matters were discussed other than the Investiture:
AMJC Audit Report (the Audit Report was completed on July 20) and sent to appropriate officials of our Order.
The AMJC Summer picnic was scheduled for Saturday, October 3, 2009 at PG Council 2809 (small pavilion area) starting at 11:30 A.M. Our Faithful Captain, S/K Marc Alvarez, PGK is managing this annual event.
At this Summer picnic (to be held on Saturday, October 3, 2009) a patriotic wreath for a front door, entitled "I Love America", will be raffled. This wreath was donated by Lady Cora Landicho. A small poster and raffle tickets were made by our Faithful Trustee, S/K Rick Askins, PGK, PFN, FDD. At our Reception, our Worthy Master, S/K Charles Smallwood bought some raffle tickets—thanks!
Here are the details on the beautiful wreath:
Archbishop Michael J Curley Assembly
Fall Picnic Raffle
Drawing held October 3rd, 2009
Located at PG Council 2809 grounds
$2 each or 3 tickets for $5
Winner need not be in Attendance
The Annual Recognition Brunch hosted by the Master of the Fourth Degree, S/K Charles Smallwood, took place on Saturday, August 22, 2009. It started with a Mass in Upper Marlboro at St. Mary of the Assumption Church, followed by the Recognition Brunch Reception at St. Mary of the Assumption School. The Master awarded a Plaque to our Assembly as the Color Corps Unit of the Year (2008-2009).
Steps are being taken to have “hardcopies” mailed to Sir Knights (who do NOT have computer capability) once every three months. S/K Tom Young and Lady Denise are leading the efforts to publish and mail the hardcopies. We noted that for Sir Knights who have computer capability that they have access to information about our Assembly and Order from our Blog that is managed by S/K Arnie Rausch, PGK, PFN. We must, however, support the efforts of S/K Arnie. He has sent an email to all appropriate Officers so please, let's meet the DUE DATE. All Sir Knights should have current information about our Assembly and Order.
Our Assembly will have an Ad for the Program Booklet for the Columbus Day Ball. In addition to listing the Officers, Patrons are also listed. They are Sir Knights of our Assemblies and their Ladies. In addition, our Assembly obtained an Ad for the Program Book for the National Columbus Celebration Association.
Assembly Officers will be attending the District Meeting scheduled for September 19, 2009, at St. Mary Assumption School.
Please put the following very important dates on your calendar: (1) Monday, January 4, 2010—Renewal of Obligations to be held at PG Council;
(2) Saturday, March 20, 2010, District Meeting
and Priest Exemplification; and (3) Saturday,
April 18, 2010, Exemplification of the Fourth
Degree at UMUC, College Park, Md.
S/K Marc Alvarez was named Sir Knight for the month of July and S/K Tom Lank was named Sir Knight for the month of August.
I hope you and your families had a pleasant and safe summer vacation.
Vivat Jesus,
S/K John Landicho, PGK, Faithful Navigator
Editor's NOTE: A strong recommendation from a credible, computer-savvy Brother Sir Knight after the August meeting ended was given to the Dispatch Editor to restrict access to just the membership; when the permissions are changed, that is, to have access restricted -- providing your email address is good, you should have received an automatically-generated invitation. Everyone who has been invited (if you are a contributor, you would have received an invitation when the website was established) has to either create an account using their current email address as UserID, or make up one for Google as well as providing a password. The Editor then loaded up the website with 45 or 46 more addresses in addition to the already existing contributors.
Faithful Captain's Report
S/K Marc Alvarez, PGK
The Curley Assembly Picnic will be held on Saturday October 03, 2009 at PG Council 2809 at the small pavilion starting at 1:00 PM. The Assembly will provide a grill, hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, bread, sodas and water. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Please let our captain, Marc Alvarez or his wife Susan know that you are coming, how many in your party and what food item you are bringing.
Vivat Jesus.
S/K Marc Alvarez,PGK, Faithful Captain
Sick and Deceased
Sandra Manak
Richard Patishnock
Deacon Leon Bechet
Michelle Bloomer
Tom Bloomer
Fr. Zylla
Fr. Kitko
Bill Kilinski
Faithful Pilot's Report
S/K Gary Patishnock
Faithful Admiral's Report
This year, our Faithful Navigator John Landicho has appointed a membership committee, which is led by our Faithful Admiral Don Kutzera. Serving on the committee are Past Faithful Navigators Tom Lank and Rick Askins. The membership committee has already begun working towards preparing for this year’s exemplification. We have been putting together membership tri-folds and handing them out to the council representatives. However, in order to be successful in recruiting new members this year, we will need assistance of Sir Knights from our Assembly to ask 3rd Degree members to join us from their councils. It has been said that you have a renewed sense of Patriotism when you join the 4th Degree. It was true for me and my fellow committee members and we would whole heartedly like to share the experience with other brother Knights.
Rick Askins, PFN
Membership Committee
The month of July, the Color Corps schedule was very busy with 3 Council Installations at Patuxent, PG & Bishop Lyons plus our own Curley Assembly Officer Investiture! Also, there was a first ever invitation to a Bishop's ordination at the Shrine!!
Thanks to all and a job very well done for all the participating Curley Assembly Color Corps!
A very special THANKS to Mother General** and our new Mother Superior for always being there for us!
August Color Corps District Event.... Aug 3 & 4...Fr. Zylla Wake and funeral...Black Jacket!
We have been requested to attend the Officer Installation of the Deacon John Lynn Council # 11619
at Saint Nicholas Church 8603 Contee Rd in Laurel, Md.
Date: Sunday August 16th...
Report time: 3:30pm for the 4 pm Mass at the church with Officer installation to follow...
White Jacket & sword for Officer Installation only
22 August 2009 – Master's Annual Recognition Brunch
TIME: 8:00 AM Parish Mass
PLACE: St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church
Upper Marlboro, MD
followed by the Recognition Brunch Reception at St. Mary of the Assumption School.
Dress: K of C CASUAL
I would like to welcome our new Color Corp members -- Training & drill practice is available to all new members starting at 7pm prior to our monthly regular Assembly meeting at PG Council starting in September (providing members are available).
September 2009 Color Corp District events...
Sept. 6 Outdoor Mass at PG Council # 2809
8:30 AM Report
White Jacket, NO SWORD
Sept 7th...Greenbelt Parade on Crescent rd in Greenbelt. MD
Report time 9am @ St Hugh church for a 10am parade start
White jacket with sword
We have an "all hands" announcement from our own Provincial & District Marshall John Winfrey...
September 11 & 12 @ Shrine for Masses & Exposition for the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR)
Black Jacket (no swords)
9/11/09 Opening Mass with 4:00 pm report for Mass. 8:00 PM – Addressing the Congress – SK Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight
Shrine location 400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington DC
9/12/09 4-man Honor guard for the Exposition of Blessed Sacrament and the Relic of the Tilma on Saturday with a 9 am report for rotating duty until 4:15 pm...
Closing Mass with a 4 pm report for 5pm Mass
Sept 26th Burtonsville parade
Report 9:15 AM
Staging area location & Start time is TBD
Black Jacket & sword
9/26 St. Hugh Council Officer Installation
4:30pm report for 5pm Mass @ St. Hugh church on Crescent Rd in Greenbelt, MD.
Officer Installation will follow shortly after Mass... AMJC Color Corp member Chris Emelife will be installed as GK!!
Dinner & short program will be held in Grenoble Hall in the lower level of the church!
Black Jacket with sword for Officer Installation only...
After labor day, the Color Corps switches to the Black jacket for all turnouts!
I must ask all of you to regularly check your regalia to ensure it is always in tiptop shape!
If anyone needs a 4th degree pin, I do have a few remaining for the asking!
Need new formal wear, a jacket, a shirt at a reasonable price? Here is the web site I had provided in a previous E mail for your consideration....
2 October 2009 – Children of the Eucharist Worldwide Holy Hour - Grade 2-8 (Tentative)
TIME: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Report at 9:15 AM
PLACE: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington DC
This event is sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima (formerly the Blue Army) and covers Catholic Schools in Washington and Arlington Dioceses. EWTN will televise it.
Vivat Jesus!
S/K Dave Knitowski PGK, PFN
Curley Assembly # 383 Blogspot Curator's Note
Not all of the Curley Assembly membership have computer access to the DISPATCH Newsletter. However, to the greatest extent possible, the Assembly desires to communicate its activities to the ENTIRE membership. To that end, the Curley Assembly Executive Board members (all installed at the beginning of the new Fraternal Year) and the Assembly Blogspot Curator, along with Faithful Comptroller S/K Tom Young and Lady Denise will work together to compile and execute a quarterly web-based DISPATCH Newsletter. Lady Denise has been invited to be a contributor to the blog and assist with advanced formatting. S/K Tom Young and Lady Denise will then extract a summary of the articles from it and distribute a hardcopy via U.S. Mail to those members without a home computer.
VAVS (Veteran's Home Support) Report
1. Call the Voluntary Service Office at 202-745-8320 to schedule an interview appointment (Monday or Tuesday) and ORIENTATION on Thursday.
2. Complete:
---a. Application for Voluntary Service (VA Form 10-7055)
---b. Medical History Form
---c. ID Badge, Vehicle registration and Fingerprint information
---d. Request for ONE-VA identification Card (VA Form 0711)
3. Bring completed volunteer application packet and 2 forms of ID to Voluntary Services office (GC 103) on interview day.
4. The day of your appointment you will meet with a voluntary service specialist for approximately 15 minutes and go to Occupational Health (1C118) for TB Screening (PPD Test or Chest Xray).
The results must be read within 48-72 hours.
5. Return completed “Volunteer Clearance” form to VS Office on orientation day.
6. In completion of orientation in voluntary service & orientation with your worksite supervisor, you must return to Voluntary Service and get necessary documents then go to Security. Orientation should take 2-3 hours.
7. Report to Police & Security, ID Section (Rm 1A102) to get a Volunteer ID Badge, Fingerprint & Parking Decal.
8. Return “Volunteer Clearance Form” to Voluntary Service Office (GC-103)
Thank You for answering the call by volunteering your time and talents!
S/K Tom Lank PGK, FDD, PFN
Patriotic Education Report
S/K Dick Bissell has responsibility for Patriotic Education. S/K Dick and FN John are working jointly to do the Oratory Contest (subject: Patriotism) at St. Joseph's Catholic School. The FN has already spoken to Mr. Andrew Currier, Principal, and the 8th grade teacher. S/K Dick and FN John will be meeting with the Principal very soon.
Fraternally, S/K John Landicho, FN
Faithful Purser/Pro-Life/Church Activities Report
S/K Paul Simon, Faithful Purser
I will discuss several of the sites of importance to us on the web.
The Maryland Catholic Conference (, headquartered in Annapolis MD., covers the Archdioceses of Washington, Baltimore, and Wilmington. Its goals are to advocate for: right to life and human dignity, preserving the family unit, and to support the poor and vulnerable. Its focus is to push the Church positions before the Maryland General Assembly, the U.S. Congress, and the public wherever possible, and to engage Maryland Catholics in doing the same.
They have a site on Facebook and are on Twitter, for the younger generation.
MCC sponsors Lobby Night, an opportunity for us to meet our elected officials to present our ideals on the bills being passed. I attended last winter's session and it was a long and emotional evening. I would urge everyone to participate at least every few years, if not annually.
The second site I like is, run by a group of lay Catholics who support the Church teachings. They rally support on Congressional Bills through the internet, telephoning, or through the mail.
They also have Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I will do my best during the new year, to keep my fellow brothers and families up-to-date on issues of importance to our Faith, and how to take an informed response to them.
Faithful Comptroller's Note
S/K Tom Young
Faithful Trustees Report
As charged by the Master during the Installation of Assembly Officers, the Faithful Trustees (3 year, 2 year, and 1 year) are commissioned to monitor the financial affairs of the Assembly and ensure their application is in line with the desires of the Assembly. The Trustees are required to conduct an annual audit of the Assembly financial reports and report findings to the members as well as the Master of the District. Faithful performance of the Trustees' duties will contribute to the sound and healthy financial condition of the Assembly.
Arnie Rausch, PGK, PFN
Trustee 2 year
Faithful Scribe's Report
Faithful Scribe duties consist of taking Minutes at each official meeting of the Council, ensure accuracy of information recorded, and assist in disemination of information.
Inner & Outer Sentinel Message
S/K Bill Brilvitch