Ship's Log For March through June 2013
Faithful Friar's Report for June —Msgr. Bazan
June 3 is the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga and the other Ugandan Martyrs. They stood up to the king who wanted to use young boys in homosexual activities. The point is that we need to be men of courage. Stand up for what we believe in. Do what God wants you to do.
Faithful Navigator Report
Future Activities: Exemplification 10 – 21 Apr. Members attending – 6 SKs, Color Corps Commander, 3 SKs in regalia, With the Master.
6 May – Potluck to welcome new members. Brief meeting to elect officers for 2013-2014
11 May – Laurel Main St Parade – Turn out or show up.
19 May – Military Archdiocese Memorial Mass
20 May – Executive/Planning meeting
26 May – Memorial Day Mass 0900 at 2809. Rain date 14 June, 10 flags to be destroyed.
Letter from St. Mary of the Mills requesting support for their Annual Block Party
May 1, 2013 Results of Patriotic Oratorical Contest
I wanted to give you a heads up prior to Monday's Meeting. We will need nine checks prepared for signatures for the winners of the speech contest. Sixth graders: Mark Barnes - $25.00; Gabi Hernandez - $50.00; and Taylor Thomas - $100.00. Seventh graders: Nicholas Serra - $25.00; Quentin Rickford - $50.00; and Joseph Miller - $100.00. Eighth graders: Jimmy Butler - $25.00; Quintin Hernandez - $50.00; and McKenzie Grant-Gordon - $100.00.
(May 14, 2013) I would like to make known the Color Corps members who have helped our Assembly look good over the last month: Arnie and Sean at the May Coronation. Dave, Jim Brown, Rick Rekus, Arnie and Sean at the Laurel Parade. And last but certainly NOT least, Big John at the Cardinal's Mass. My hat is off to all of you ! Keep up the good work.
Also, be aware of two upcoming turn outs: Sunday, May 26th at 8:30 a.m. for 9:00 Memorial Day Mass in the grove. Following Mass, we will conduct a flag retirement ceremony, then enjoy breakfast. The second will be PG Council 2809's Officer Installation turn out at 5:00 p.m. for 5:30 Mass at St. Joseph's Church in Beltsville with the installation following. I expect we will have many requests for Installations and we may have to split forces if they occur on the same day (it happens !).
Oremus pro Invicem,
Faithful Navigator Report For June
Early in the year I proposed publishing an Assembly directory and sent out an email. There was little response. Will try again.
New SK Al Hicks was presented with his certificate.
Received a bill from PG Building Corporation for use of the facilities for the Oratorical Contest and will consult with Trustees.
The Thank You Picnic will be on 7 July at the Grove.
SK John Andres, a 54-year member of the Knights died recently; the Wake will be Thurs 6 Jun, 7 to 9 PM at Borgwardt Funeral Home on Powder Mill Rd in Beltsville. Funeral Mass will be in Resurrection Chapel in Riderwood at 1230 on Fri 7 June.
Summer dress rules are in effect until September.
Invitation to FN Bissell's Appreciation Picnic
Worthy Sir Knights All,
It's time to enjoy the great outdoors, some good food and the fellowship of one another. Please join your AMJC family at the FN's Appreciation Picnic at the Pavilion in the grove at Prince Georges Council on Sunday, July 7th, from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m. this is a family affair, so bring your lovely ladies and beautiful children. I need to know how many will be coming so we can order enough food. Please RSVP no later than July 2nd to Dick or Susan. If you want to sit outside the pavilion (there will be softball games in progress), just bring your folding chairs with you. If you have a potential candidate for the Fourth Degree, please bring him and his lady, as well. Your executive chef will be Kevin Bissell, PGK of Jesus the Good Shepherd Council in Dunkirk, MD. We look forward to seeing all of you. God bless
Oremus pro Invicem,
Dick Bissell, PGK, FN
Social and Fraternal
"Knights Out at Franklin's" was a smashing success.
Delaware Park trip was cancelled
14 Jun is Flag Day – This is a good day for a fraternal activity such as informing friends and neighbors on Flag history.
District Meeting Saturday 8 June at St. Mary of the Assumption School. All 2013-14 chair officers must attend.
There will be a Relay for Life for cancer victims and survivors at McCullough Park in Laurel on Saturday afternoon and Sunday AM. Resurrection Parish will participate. Volunteers welcome.
Supreme Knight is presenting a lecture titled "Fr. McGivney and the New Evangelism" on Tues 13 June in the Crypt Church at the National Shrine. Mass at 5:15, followed by the lecture. Color Corps will be needed. All Knights received notice.
Color Corps Report
Worthy Brothers All,
We are turning out on Thursday, June 6th for a 2809 Brother of 54 years, John E. Andres, HLM. If you are in the Color Corps, we need you to be in regalia, if not, your presence for Msgr. Bazan's prayer service will be appreciated. The Wake will be at Borgwardt's in Beltsville from 7:00 until 9:00. The prayer service should begin at 7:30. Hope to see many of you there and God bless.
Oremus pro Invicem,
Scouting Liaison Report
Reginald C. Grier, Scouting Liaison, ADW District
April 22, 2013
Scout Religious Retreat, April 19-21, 2013
April 20, 2013: The following Color Corps Sir Knights led and participated in the 7;00 p.m. Retreat Flag Ceremony, followed by leading the procession of the Sacred Eucharist to the outdoor altar and participating in its devotion and adoration.
SK Stephen Bayliff, Lord Baltimore #2470 Assembly
SK Reginald Grier, Bishop Walsh #1548 Assembly
April 21, 2013: The following Color Corps Sir Knights led and participated in the Reveille Flag Ceremony, followed by the 10;00 a.m. Mass, celebrated by Bishop Knestout, Auxiliary Bishop, ADW and co-celebrated by Fr. Woods, ADW Chaplain, Catholic Committee on Boy Scouting.
SK Stephen Bayliff, Lord Baltimore #2470 Assembly
SK Sean Goerling, Archbishop Curley #383 Assembly
SK Arnie Rausch, Archbishop Curley #383 Assembly
SK Reginald Grier, Bishop Walsh #1548 Assembly
Camp Master, Santa Bigony at both events, thanked the Sir Knights for their participation in the Scout Religious Retreat, and for the Fourth Degree Assemblies' monetary support for the purchase of Religious Emblems for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Campfire. The participating Sir Knights were also thanked by Bishop Knestout and Fr. Woods.
Laurel Main Street Parade Flag Unit Support May 11, 2013
Saturday May 11th starting at 9am sharp (it goes rain or shine) if raining we do not march, for we r fair weather marchers.
Report time is nlt than 830am at the staging area at the corner of 6th & Montgomery sts in Laurel Md near the Laurel Elementary school
Black tux with sword unless u know u r a flag bearer
The following Color Corps members supported this event: SK David Knitowski, SK Jim Brown, SK Rick Rekus, SK Sean Goerling, SK Arnie Rausch
May Crowning of Mary Event Support at St. Nicholas Parish May 12, 2013
SK Sean Goerling and SK Arnie Rausch provided Color Corps Honor Guard for the May Crowning by the CCD classes. Rosary was led by the Deacon Lynn Council outdoors in Mary's Garden following the crowning.
Good morning, Worthy Brothers All:
Between this weekend's District Officer training meetings, wake turnouts, parades and other events, there have been MANY lessons learned and shared throughout the District. Whether or not you currently wear a cape and chapeaux, please read on:
1. The Worthy Master stresses that the Fourth Degree is more than the Color Corps. This is especially true at Mass and at wakes. Please "show up" whenever possible in appropriate civilian attire to worship, pay respects, attend a lecture (think Supreme Knight Tuesday) or otherwise, and WEAR YOUR NAME BADGE. If the men in capes and chapeaux are "the Knights brand", then everyone with a Knights logo on them is also part of "the brand". Feel free to wear tuxedo with social baldric if you wish, especially if the cape is at the cleaners (LOL).
2. Requests for Color Corps turnouts should go TO the Faithful Navigator, Courtesy Copy to the Color Corps Commanders. That goes for parades, church functions, funeral support, whatever.
3. Out of Assembly/Out of District requests must be sent TO the Worthy Master who IN TURN will pass to the Faithful Navigator et. al. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Now for the "Color Corps only" stuff:
4. Practice makes perfect, whether it is for the newest Color Corps member or a purple, green or gold cape. We turn out at least thirty minutes prior to an event start with good reason. Besides dressing and adjusting, it is a great time to practice movements, cadence or other matters, especially if we have "new" Color Corps present. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxi culpa for not stressing this in recent meeting reports.
5. "Purple cape, then Faithful Navigator" is the usual chain of command for local turnouts.
6. Keep a pair of shiny shoes, clean socks and gloves and an unwrinkled shirt at the ready. We always wear black jacket. NO LONGER ANY EXCEPTIONS !!!
7. Standing a 10-15 minute tour goes much faster when saying silent prayers for the repose of the soul of the faithful departed.
8. Several "core" Color Corps members "by definition" attend the monthly open Executive Committee meeting. Stop by the meeting to discuss Color Corps or other planning issues.
9. Thank you again as well as in advance for EVERYTHING you do!
10. Contact me anytime as follows:
Gary M. Patishnock, PGK, PFN
Color Corps Commander
Color Corps - CC Commander Gary Patishnock, Vice CC Cmdr. Dave Knitowski
May was a great month – Memorial Day Mass; turnout for PFN Klotz’s wake and funeral, Memorial Day Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery.
Need Color Corps turnout and SKs to show up for SK Andres wake and funeral on 6 and 7 June.
PFN Klotz’s widow has donated all his 4th Degree regalia to the Assembly, This includes tuxedo, shirt, white jacket, cape and chapeau.
Corpus Christi procession at St. Mary of the Mills in Laurel was canceled because of the heat.
There is a need to establish a “Color Core” telephone tree for Color Corps events.
The Faithful Admiral in effect chairs two committees.
Membership: Members include the Trustees and the Faithful Navigator. Performs vetting of potential candidates, the be-all-and-end-all of the year being the 4th Degree Exemplification. Often consider as a manager position.
Recruitment and retention: Members include ALL Assembly members. Works with all Chair officers as appropriate to advertise the 4th Degree and recruit members. Often consider as a leader position.
Regardless of your office, chair or position in the 4th Degree, a Sir Knight is always a leader and a manager.
Gary M. Patishnock, PGK, PFN
Faithful Admiral
Church Activities - PFN John Landicho
Memorial Day Turnout – Gate of Heaven Cemetery 0900 Report at Admin Office
Pro-Life and Church – SK Paul Simon
A new monthly Catholic magazine, Inside the Vatican is available on line at Pope Francis has already dedicated his pontificate to Mary.
Patriotic Education – Acting FN Gary Patishnock
Memorial Day, Sunday 26 May, there will be a Mass and picnic at 2809; there will also a flag retirement ceremony. So bring any old flags.
The Memorial Day Mass was great. Members from the 1st through 4th Degrees turned out and showed up. The talk on Flag history during the Flag Retirement Ceremony was well received.
The “Fortnight For Freedom” kicks off on 21 June. Archbishop Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, the Supreme Chaplain will say the opening Mass. The Fortnight concludes on 4 July with Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington saying the closing Mass. Color Corps will be needed for both Masses.
14 June is Flag Day – take the opportunity to educate all on the Flag.
FN Bissell has a DVD of the Oratorical Contest which he would like the Assembly to see. The Contest was a success, but more help as judges and timers is desperately needed!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
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