At the end of St. Matthew's Gospel, Christ commands His followers to: "go forth and teach all nations." Today, throughout the United States, we celebrate what is called Catechetical Sunday. This day we focus on the role of the Church in educating the world and more specifically, our role in educating our children and ourselves in our faith. REMEMBER, this is a command of God, not just a nice thing that we do. In any human relationship, we come to know the other and in that knowledge we are enabled to love them more. It is the same with God. The more we know Him, the more deeply and sincerely we are enabled to love him, which is our call as Christian people.
I want to take the time to thank those who give so generously of themselves in the service of our education. Those who teach in our school, our religious education program, our adult education classes, our sacramental preparation programs, Bible school, those who aide, who administer these programs, and those who take to heart the challenge of learning more about the Lord through their participation or through their reading and studying our faith. The more we know the Lord, the greater can be our love for Him. I pray that all of us will accept the opportunity to come to know Him more deeply by reading, studying, prayerfully reflecting upon our faith and letting the TRUTH of His message permeate our lives.
Master's Log
The Archdiocese of Washington District began this fraternal year with a tremendous District meeting. Several goals were established regarding the direction the District is headed. We have 12 exciting Navigators leading tremendous Assemblies. We have strong Color Corpsmen who began this fraternal year by getting involved in Provincial events as well as District events. The District staff was very busy during the month of September presiding at the investiture of officers for the Assemblies. The Color Corps showed its level of competency by being active at a special Mass held on September 3, 2009 in honor of Fr. Vincent Capodanno – Servant of God, held in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. The District Color Corps joined the Color Corps of the Province on September 11-12, 2009 – Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) at the Basilica with the Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson addressing the Congress and the Most Reverend Donald Wuerl bringing greetings from the Archdiocese of Washington. The celebrant & homilist for the Opening Congress Mass was Justin Cardinal Rigali, Episcopal Liaison for the CMSW. On October 2, 2009 the Color Corps will be celebrating with the – 7th Annual Children of the Eucharist Worldwide Holy Hour - Grade 2-8. The District will instruct children in the protocol of presenting colors for this event. On October 3, 2009, the Archbishop of Washington will hold a special Mass in the Upper Church of the Basilica for all Knights of Columbus. This will be a Provincial event and all Knights are encouraged to come.
As of this date, all 12 Assemblies have had an investiture of officers. At each investiture it was important to ask all Assemblies to not only continue the work and traditions of the past, but also to grow and develop new programs and traditions for the future. Continue to strengthen communication within the District and have each Sir Knight to recruit “ONE” Catholic gentleman to become a First Degree Knight. I will strive to work toward seeing that our Sir Knights follow any new candidate through all of the degrees, helping him along the way by encouraging him and his family to get involved. If we work together, our Order will increase with Knights that want to serve.Worthy Sir Knights, please think about and support our troops in harm’s way. But more importantly, please pray for and support our veterans who have done so much to make it so easy for us to enjoy the freedoms we have. Volunteer some time by working with the Veteran Administration Volunteer Service (VAVS). So much can be done to assist those who have given so much and now need our help. During this month, we as a District are readying ourselves for the celebration of our name sake, “Christopher Columbus!” I ask all to do some research and learn even more about him and what his discovery has done for us. Once you have done that, become active in all of the events that will occur during this month. Activities to include: Columbus Day Ball, 17th International Week of Prayer & Fasting, Columbus Day Celebratory Mass at Holy Rosary Parish in Washington DC, Columbus Day Celebration at the Columbus Statue at Union Station in Washington DC and a District meeting where we will discuss the exemplification in depth. We ask that you begin bringing to the meetings any applications along with the fees as well as the number you plan to recruit. By all means during this month approach and ask members of your parishes to become a member in the finest organization in the world. Please remember all the members in our families that are sick. We ask a special anointing from the Holy Spirit for a healing.
Remember, we are beginning the fall season where our schools are opened and safety has to be paramount in our minds. Take care and watch out for our children. Let’s make sure we keep “Building our Communities through Service, Charity, Unity and Fraternity.” Charles H. Smallwood, Master Archdiocese of Washington District
The Date on the calendar for the next District meeting is October 17, 2009.
During November our Councils, Assemblies, and Maryland State Council will celebrate Memorial Masses for our Deceased Members plus family and friends. We miss them and mourn them, yet at the same time we rejoice that their battle is over. We hope and pray that they are with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
On November 11, we are all reminded to remember those special men and women who served in the defense of our liberty and freedom. Some paid the ultimate price. They should all be remembered and honored. Those who served in time of war or conflict are in special need of our prayers. Their experiences changed them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Their return, in some cases, has been difficult and painful not only for them, but also for their families.
As Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, we should be also be especially mindful of the needs of our service men and women – those who have served and those who continue to serve. Let us keep them in our prayers not only in November but also at all meetings, Masses, and events. Try each day to say a special prayer to the Holy Family to protect their Families and to St. Michael the Archangel to defend them in their time of Battle.
We have a Great Nation – One Nation Under God. It is fitting that we acknowledge this on Thanksgiving Day. It is proper to start the day with Mass, thanking God in a special way for all that we have. There will be plenty of time later in the day for football, food, and fun activities.
As Master, I wish each of you and your families a Day of Peace and Quiet, a chance to have fun with children and grandchildren. I thank each and every one of you for your continued support and the unselfish giving of your time and talent. Look around you and identify those men who might want to share in our work as Knights and ultimately as Sir Knights. Invite them to become members of our Order and then guide and follow them through their Degrees. Please help them serve with us as we go about “Building our Communities through Service, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.”
God Bless you and God Bless America!
Faithful Navigator’s Report
Lady Cora and I, hope that you had an enjoyable summer with some time off for taking a vacation. September was a very busy month for our Assembly and I expect that October thru December will be busy too. Suffice it to say, there will be many events in October 2009 to honor our namesake—Christopher Columbus and in November 2009 there will be events, such as, Veterans Day. And, the most significant event in December will be Christmas.
Our Membership Drive began in earnest on September 28th when S/K Don Kutzera, Faithful Admiral along with S/Ks Rick Askins and Tom Lank made presentations at PG Council 2809. We are off to a good start with 4 Form 4s in our possession. These Sir Knights will be visiting other Councils, in the ensuing months, which are affiliated with our Assembly.
On October 3, 2009, our Assembly had its Annual Picnic that was managed by our Faithful Captain, S/K Marc Alvarez. It was attended by at least 40 persons—Sir Knights, wives and children and guests. Certificate of Appreciations were awarded to: S/K Rev. J. Michael Quill, Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church for his steadfast support of our Assembly and our Order; Lady Jean McMahon for making and donating a Lap Quilt; Lady Carolyn Lank for making and donating a Cross Stitch; Lady Cora Landicho for her efforts on the I Love America Wreath; Lady Denise Young for her efforts on publishing our Dispatch; and to S/K Tom Barrett and Lady Ann for their service to our Assembly. The drawing for I Love America Wreath was held at our Annual Picnic and Mrs. Helen Truman won this wreath.
Regarding the Lap Quilt, a mailer along with raffle tickets will be sent to every Sir Knight’s home. The drawing for the Lap Quilt will take place at our annual Christmas Party to be held on Friday, December 11th. After this raffle, the Cross Stitch raffle will take place. A mailer will be employed.
We are making progress in obtaining commercial ads for the Fourth Degree Exemplification Booklet. One commercial firm took a one page ad and it is very likely that we will get two more ads before the deadline. As you know, the Fourth Degree Exemplification will take place on Sunday, April 18, 2010, at UMUC, College Park, Maryland. (The Priest Exemplification into the Fourth Degree is scheduled for Saturday, March 20, 2010,)
As you know, the Honoree of the Year is S/K Bill McMahon. The Sir Knights of the Months were: July, S/K Marc Alvarez; August, S/K Tom Lank; September, S/K Tom Young; and October, S/K Rick Askins.
Please be advised that our Renewal of Obligations will take place on Monday, January 4, 2010, at PG Council 2809.
Lady Cora and I , want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Vivat Jesu.
S/K John Landicho, PGK, Faithful Navigator
Captain's Report
The Curley Assembly hosted a very nice picnic on 10/03/2009. About 40 SK and family members attended and all had a good time. I want to thank SK Tom and Lady Ann Barrett for providing the hot dogs, hamburgers and buns, Don Kutzera for the ribs and all others for the delicious salads and desserts. FN John Landicho, PFN Tom and Lady Carolyn Lank assisted me in the set up. Deacon Willis Wolfe and PFN Tom Lank helped cook the hamburgers and hot dogs. And at the end of the picnic FN John and Lady Cora Landicho, PFN Tom and Lady Carolyn Lank, SK Mark Manak and SK Rick Rekus helped with the clean up. My thanks to all.
I am still looking for Guest Chefs to prepare food for the assembly meetings.The schedule stands as follows:
July FC Marc Alvarez Jan PFN Tom Lank
Aug PFN Rick Askins Feb
Sept FP Gary Pastishnock Mar
Oct FN John Landicho Apr
Nov FA Don Kutzera May
Dec Pot Luck Christmas Party June FN Appreciation Night
As you can see I need help February through May.Let me know if you want to cook.
Our coming activity will be the Christmas Party on Friday 12/11/2009. Please let me know who is planning to come and what you are bringing to share.
All Sir Knights them and their wives and children are invited to our Annual Christmas Party. We are a family organization so everyone in the family is welcome.
When: Friday, December 11, 2008
Where: PG Council 2809 starting at 6:30 P.M.
Menu: Our Assembly will furnish:
· Glazed Ham
· Delicious Ribs (cooked by S/K Don Kuzera, PFN)
· Sodas and Water
· Please bring a side dish (e.g., salad, dessert, etc)
PG Council will have a CASH BAR for other type of beverages.
· Chinese Auction—we had a lot of fun with the last several years. Bring a “small treasure” to
· There will be also the usual Christmas Quiz—don’t cram it will not help!
· We will be drawing our Christmas raffle—a lovely 45 by 45 Hand made lap quilt. Raffle
tickets with the image of the quilt were made by S/K Rick Askins are $5.00 per ticket or
Let FC Marc Alvarez who is coming with you and what you are bringing.
S/K Marc Alvarez, PGK, Faithful Captain
Worthy Bus Driver's Message
S/K Joe O'Loughlin will be the bus commander/captain of Joe O's Bus (Rainbow Bus) for the annual Christmas Show trip to Lancaster, PA on December 5. The cost of the trip is $79 per person; continental "tailgate" breakfast 8:00 AM in the St. Mildred's Hall parking lot with departure at 8:30 AM. You will arrive in Lancaster about 11:00 AM with a choice of either shopping at Rockvale Outlet Mall or stay on the bus and lunch at the Kitchen Kettle Shops (Lunch ON YOUR OWN). At 2:30 PM, the trip will resume to the American Music Theatre for the Christmas Show, holiday music and humor for the whole family. At 5:30 PM, the group heads for Supper at Good 'N' Plenty Restaurant. By 7:00 PM the bus will be departing for the return trip to Laurel.
Pilot's Report
"From the Pilot's Wheel":
The flag of Vatican City was adopted on June 7, 1929, the same year as the Lateran Treaty was signed with Italy which created the new independent state governed by the Holy See. The Vatican flag is modeled on the flag of the earlier Papal States.
The flag is square and consists of two vertical bands, one of gold (on the hoist side) and one of white with the crossed keys of St. Peter and the papal Tiara centered in the white band. It is one of only two square country flags in the world, the other being the Swiss flag.
The Vatican City coat of arms is found in the white half. The Vatican City coat of arms consists of:
The papal tiara (as used under the pontificate of Pius XI);
Two keys representing the keys to Heaven (according to Matthew 16:19) given by Christ to St. Peter. The popes are regarded as Peter’s direct successors, and the gold and silver keys have been significant elements in the symbolism of the Papal State since the 13th century. Gold represents spiritual power, while the silver key represents worldly power.
a red cord connecting the keys.
The yellow and white of the flag also refer to the keys – in heraldry yellow represents gold, while white represents silver.
Sir Knights: Please do not call this the “Papal Flag” – the Pope has a personal Coat of Arms, not a flag.
The Color Corps is proud to carry – and carry properly – both flags in its public appearances. The Knights of Columbus display the Vatican City flag as a “national” flag, not a “city” flag. We display and carry it to the immediate left of the U.S. flag in between our state flag. Both the U.S. and the Vatican City flag are not “dipped” in salutes.
Admiral's Report
Exemplification News
The 40th Exemplification is scheduled for 18 April 2010. It will be held at University of Maryland UM Conference Center.
Honoree: SK & Lady Joseph E. Murtha, Former Master ADW
Location: University of Maryland University College
Inn and Conference Center (Marriott)
University Boulevard at Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland
To be eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree, candidates must be:
(1) Over 18 years of age;
(2) A Third Degree member in good standing in his Council, and who was initiated into the First Degree prior to October 18, 2009; and
(3) A practical Catholic in union with the Holy See, and
(4) a US Citizen, or willing to Pledge Allegiance to USA.
Fees: The basic fee for candidates is $70.00. A special fee for priests and members of religious orders is $35.00. Full payment should accompany each candidate’s application and reservation form. Each candidate receives one (1) banquet ticket to the Fourth Degree Banquet. Additional banquet tickets are available at a cost of $45.00 per person. The fee for the Ladies' Activities is $25.00. All checks must be made payable to: Master, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. All applications, banquet reservations, outstanding fees, and Ladies' Activity reservations must be received by the District Secretary on or before March 15, 2010. There will be no refunds or changes after this date. Please forward all applications and reservations to SK Ernest E. Harley, Secretary to the Master, 14721 Harvest Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20905-5642. To ensure that all applications are accurately completed, the candidate’s application must be received, voted on, and approved by the Assembly before it is submitted to the Secretary to the Master.
Schedule: Sunday, 18 April 2010
9:15 AM Mass
10:30 AM - Registration of Candidates/Ladies Meet and Greet
11:15 AM - Ladies' Activities (Paid Reservations Only)
12:00 PM - Exemplification of the Fourth Degree
4:00 PM - Reception in the Main Concourse
5:30 PM - Banquet
Comptroller Report
Early Bird Dues ??? TBS?
Color Corps Activity
An outstanding effort & a THANK YOU very much on those Color corp members who participated in the 2 Events on Sept 26th, the Burtonsville parade & the Officer Installation at St Hugh Council!
3 October 2009 – Mass in Honor of the Knights of Columbus
TIME: 1630 report for 1715 Mass
PLACE: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Upper Church
400 Michigan Ave NE,
Washington DC 20017
Black Jacket (No sword)
12 October 2009 Columbus Day Program at Union Station DC
TIME: Report Time 0900 For Walk-thru.
Program begins at 1045 hrs
PLACE: Union Station, Washington, DC
Area behind Columbus Statue
Black Jacket with Swords
***Need 2 know how many CC R planning on attending this function by 5 October***
Brothers we have another opportunity to show our support for our Church to the entire world. On Oct 25th we have been asked to provide honors for the Mass to celebrate the Canonization of St. Jeanne Jugan. As you may know St. Jeanne Jugan is the founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor. We were very specifically asked to provide the Honor Guard for the historic occasion. Please start getting the word out to your CC members, and get back to me by Oct 23rd with your numbers.
25 Oct 2009 Mass of Thanksgiving in honor of St. Jeanne Jugan
When: Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. (1:00 Report time)
Where: National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC
Details: Archbishop Wuerl., celebrant
Dress: Black Jacket No Sword
19 November 2009
Memorial mass @ Council 2203 St. Mary of the Mills church
1900 Report time for 1930 mass
Black Jacket (No swords)
23 November 2009
Memorial mass @ Council 2809
1900 Report time for 1930 mass
Black Jacket (No swords)
Reminders will be sent for November turnouts…
Additional drill practice for new CC members will be scheduled for late October! Date & time is TBA…
PFN Dave Knitowski
CC Cmdr
“Pray 4 those who have served & those
Who R serving now! Remember the VET”!
VAVS Report
11 NOVEMBER – VETERANS DAY – SK Tom Lank and Lady Carolyn invite all
Abp. Michael Curley members and their families to visit the U.S. Military Retirement Home (King Health Center). We will visit with the nursing home residents and provide cake and sodas while thanking them for their Service to our country.
We will depart Prince George’s Council #2809 at 12:30pm and motorcade
To the U.S.M.R.H. arriving at 1:30pm (check in at the Main Gate).
Children are welcome, keep in mind that the residents are your grandparents age! Returning to PG #2809 around 5pm.
Each of the Assembly members is encouraged to provide (either crochet one or purchase one) a lap robe for our Veterans. Lap robes have been seen at stores like WalMart for a very reasonable price. S/K Tom Lank and Lady Carolyn will deliver them to the VA Medical Centers. S/K Tom Lank reported this program is good through the end of the current State Deputy's term of service.
VAVS is a volunteer program whereby organizations donate time, talent and funds
In support of our veterans supported by local VA Medical Centers.
Wish lists:
Items the residents can always use include Rosaries, Bibles, Clothing (new or dry cleaned) such as elastic pants, shirt and shoes (Mens only Medium, Large or XL). Bottled water is always welcomed.
There are opportunities throughout the hospital. Two openings include serving coffee during the week at the “walk in” pharmacy and using VA vans to transport out-patients to the hospital.
SK Tom Lank, PGK, PFN, FDD
Deputy Rep. MD K of C VAVS
Veterans' Day Activities at King Health Center [USAF Retirement Home] (photos below)
Pro-Life Activity
Assembly members are encouraged to get involved with the current effort to prevent abortion from becoming a component of the Health Care Reform package by conducting Grass Roots level lobbying of their Congressional members.
Oratory Contest
S/K Dick Bissell, with assistance from S/K John Landicho and S/K Don Kutzera, is organizing an Oratory Contest for the Catholic schools in the parishes supported by the Assembly. St. Joseph's Catholic School in Beltsville has been contacted and has agreed to be the host location. St. Mary of the Mills Catholic School is being contacted at this time. A firm date has not yet been determined.
S/K Dick Bissell, PGK, Faithful Sentinel
Sick & Deceased List
The Following is the Sick and Deceased List submitted by S/K for AMJC Assembly No 383 for the Months of Aug, Sept and Oct, 2009. We ask our fellow brothers to please keep these individuals in their prayers.
Sick List
Name of Person--------- S/K Requesting-----------Relationship
Sandra Manak------------- Mark Manak-----------------Wife - asthma
Richard Patishnock-------- Gary Patishnock------------- Godfather
Deacon Leon Bechet------- Terrence Holmes------------- PGK PFN
Michelle Bloomer
Tom Bloomer
Oliver Thomas Preuesser---- Paul Simon--------------- Grandchild
Paula Preusser---------------Paul Simon---------------- Daughter
Mary Wing------------------ Paul Simon --------------- Aunt on deathbed
Richard Patishnock----------Gary Patishnock --------- Godfather
All Soldiers in Harm's Way--- Richard Rekus
All Brothers in Financial or Health Trouble Richard Rekus
Victor Emelife Jr.---------- Chris Emelife -------------- Nephew
Kenneth Nieman---------- Hugh O'Donnell ------------ Brother-in-law
Bill Knox ------------------ Don Kutzera --------------- Friend
Valerie Beau --------------Paul Sabol -----------------Very close friend
Jane Cleary --------------Tom Lank ------------------Wife of Br Don Cleary (2809)
Gloria Winfrey -----------Chris Emelife ---------------Wife of John Winfrey
Earl Beuchamp -----------Conrad Janus ---------------Brother of Phyllis James
Pete Einolf ---------------Arnie Rausch ---------------Treasurer #11619
Michelle and Tom Bloomer--Bill McMahon ------------Daughter and son-in-law
Jeanette Young ---------Paul Simon ------------------Friend
Oliver Preuesser -------Paul Simon -------------------Grandson
Clarice Row ------------Joe O'Loughlin ---------------Associate Rainbow Polis - Dementia
Jan Makowski ---------Joe O'Loughlin ---------------Wife of Associate Rainbow Polis
Deceased List
Name of Person ---------S/K Requesting -----------Relationship
Fr. Zylla -------------------Tom Lank ------------------Knight of Columbus
Fr. Kitko ------------------Paul Simon ------------------Past Chaplain 2203
Bill Kilinski ---------------John Landicho ---------------Son's Father-in-law
Catherine Ellis ----------Bill McMahon -------------Mother of Jackie White, Former First Lady
Mary Wing -------------Paul Simon --------------------Aunt
Daniel Wilson -----------Don Kutzera ------------------Brother of Msgr. Wilson
Father Kitko -----------Paul Simon --------------------Past Chaplain 2203
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