The Dispatch
Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly No. 383 Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree Archdiocese of Washington District Meetings held at 8:00 P.M. - First Monday of each Month Prince George's Council, College Park, Maryland
"Knights Dedicated to the Service of Others"
April through June 2010
Friar's Message
Dear Sir Knights,
Recently, I was going through all the stuff that is on my desk
and trying to clean up some of the piles of paper. I found an
invitation that was supposed to have been returned before
the date I was reading it. It was something that I really
wanted to attend and so I called to see if I could still get in.
The reality of our faith is like that sometimes. The fact that
Jesus rose from the dead and offers all of God's children the
chance to rise with Him is awe inspiring. I only hope that
everyone accepts His invitation and doesn't put off responding
until it is too late.
For some reason, we all get soooo busy that we could miss out
on the chance to be where we really want to be. I hope we
don't miss out on the chance to get to heaven. The question
that Christ asked Peter continues to haunt me: "Peter, do you
love Me?" I know the answer for Peter is yes and that he went
out and died out of love for Christ. When He asks me or you
the same question we have to decide how we are going to
answer. He doesn't ask how
much do we love Him, or are we going to love Him, or have
we loved Him, but, "DO YOU LOVE ME?"
Relationships are NOW and God is NOW. He is inviting each of
us to be in relationship with Him, to love Him back and to
become one with Him, NOW! The past is behind us and we
can't change it, although we can learn from it; the future hasn't
yet happened and we don't know what it will be since it has not
happened, but it does, to some degree, depend upon the past;
and the present is building a foundation for the future. The
Present is the Now and this is when Christ is asking us if we
love Him, for there may not be a future chance to answer that
question. It is now or never. Of course there may be another
chance, but will we take it then, if we don't take it now? What,
in the future, will be so different that we will answer Yes then if
we don't answer Yes now?
In light of the Resurrection, in our faith that we have been
invited to and the price that has already been paid for our
journey to be one with God, I pray that we all say YES! to
Christ's question. May our Yes inspire us to live in His love now
and to respond to His final words to Peter in the Gospel,
"Follow Me".
Have a wonderful week and a belated thank you to all who
shared so beautifully in the Holy Week and Easter Sunday
celebrations. Thanks to all who so generously supported the
Parish with your gifts and to all of you who consistently witness
your Yes to Him in your actions towards the rest of us.
… Msgr. Mike
Master's Log
Many of us will be in meetings and planning for the 2010
Supreme Convention in Washington DC in August, 2010. But I
beg you all never to forget that we as Fourth Degree Knights
have the obligation to work with our Councils to ensure a
stronger Order by asking our Catholic men to become
members in our order during the Council Membership Blitz
this year. But let’s not stop there. Membership is ongoing and
we MUST do our part. Keep in mind, a Fourth Degree Knight
cannot be realized unless we recruit and follow a member from
the First Degree through the Third. Please help them serve
with us as we go about “Building our Communities through
Service, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.”
We keep busy. We continue to work with overturning Roe vs.
Wade as we Marched for Life in January, and we are working
hard to ensure that God stays in the forefront of our life by
fighting to keep “One nation Under God” in our pledge, just to
name a couple. Before you know it, we will have State
Conventions, Election of Officers and the chance to do it all over
again. With so many strings pulling us in all directions, how do
we know which way to lean and which path to resist? What
happened to the quiet and reflective time? How can I support
my council, my assembly, my family, my job, my community,
my church, and so much more?
First of all, concentrate on the spiritual and try to determine
God’s will for you. Select a devotion or spiritual exercise and
focus on doing that well rather than trying to do too much.
Focus next on the family, especially children and grandchildren.
Try to see things with the eyes of a young child. There is much
less confusion in their eyes. Focus on the little things like
snowflakes, rainbows, baby’s fingers, bugs under rocks, the
beauty of a fresh snowfall. Take a look at the trees outside
your home and see them void of leaves but yet soon to be in
full bloom of many beautiful colors. Look at some of the
pictures of deep space taken with the Hubble Telescope, and
wonder at the awesome beauty of continuous creation.
If we take care of God and Family, then God will take care of us.
Somehow He will provide the Grace and energy needed to face
the other demands on our lives. With His help we will find a few
good Knights, the Exemplification will be another great success,
and we will find time to have fun and laugh at the nagging little
inconsistencies of life.
Pray for our Brother Knights and family members sick or in
distress. Remember always and keep in your prayers – all of
our service men and woman, especially those in harm’s way.
We are and will always be One Nation Under God, but it does
come at a price. God Bless America and God Bless you and your
Faithful Navigator’s Report
Lady Cora and I want to thank the Sir Knights and their Ladies
for their time, talents and efforts during the Fraternal Year
2009-2010. On Monday June 7, 2010 there will be a Faithful
Navigator Appreciation Pot Luck Dinner. Your efforts
contributed in a very large measure to a very successful year.
It was, indeed, a busy Fraternal Year highlighted by the
· Our Membership Drive at the Councils affiliated with
our Assembly
· The Priest Exemplification in March 2010 into the
Fourth Degree and Fourth Degree Exemplification of
Brother Knights in April 2010—our Assembly gained
14 worthy new Sir Knights. A Pot Luck Dinner was
held in May to welcome new Sir Knights and their
· Our three fund raising drives made possible by Lady
Cora Landicho donating “I Love America Wreath;
Lady Jean McMahon making and donating a Lap
Quilt; and Lady Carolyn Lank making and donating
the “Welcome Cross Stitch”
· Renewal of Obligations than took place in January 2010
· Our Assembly Annual Picnic held at PG Council 2809 in
· Assembly Delegation (S/Ks Rick Askins, Don Kutzera
and John Landicho) attendance at the District’s Biennial.
I was also Chairman of the Resolutions Committee for
the Biennial and was elected to serve on the Audit
Committee for the ensuing Fraternal Year.
· Recognizing and presenting a plaque to Sir Knight Bill
McMahon as Honoree for the Year and presented Knight
of the Month Certificates to: S/K Marc Alvarez - July
2009; S/K Tom Lank - August; S/K Tom Young -
September; Rick Askins — October; Dave Knitowski —
November and December; S/K Arnie Rausch - January
2010; S/K Dick Bissell — February; S/K Paul Simon-
March; S/K Garry Patishnock - April. May and June
certificates will be awarded at the Pot Luck Dinner.
· A very busy schedule for our Color Corps led competently
by S/K Dave Knitowski, CCC and S/K Tom Lank, VCCC.
I am a member of the Color Corps and serve with great
fulfillment. (See CCC article)
· And, in June 2010 is the time for the Faithful Navigator
Appreciation event whereby your Faithful Navigator and
Lady Cora can personally thank you for your service to our
Assembly and Order. It was an honor to serve you.
Assembly Officers Training Seminar
Worthy Sir Knights,
1. Please put on your calendar Saturday, June 5, 2010 for the
subject seminar at St. Mary the Assumption School, Upper
Marlboro starting at 9:00 A.M. District Staff to report
at 8:30 A.M.
2. According to AWD Planning Calendar, dated April 28, 2010,
"All Officers to include Commanders, Vice Commanders are
REQUIRED to attend. Admirals and Captains are
recommended to attend. All other Officers are invited and
may attend."
3. Lunch will be provided at the end of the meeting.
Fraternally, S/K John, FN
Vivat Jesu,
S/K John Landicho, PGK, FN
Faithful Captain's Report
During the Exemplification on April 18, 2010 our hospitality
room provided breakfast and lunch items and refreshments for
new SK and other attending the degree. The Room was staffed
by Paul Simon, Gary Pastishnock and Marc Alvarez. My thanks
to Gary and Paul, FN John Landicho and Lady Cora, SK Tom
Lank and Lady Carolyn for their help and Lady Gloria Winfrey
for bringing the biscuits with sausage gravy.
The Pot Luck Dinner to welcome new members was held on
May 3, 2010. It was attended by about 80 SK and their
families, including most of the new Sir Knights. Welcome again
to the new Sir Knights and their families and hope all of you
become very active next year.
At our next meeting on Monday June 7, 2010 the FN John
Landicho will hold the FN Appreciation Pot Luck Dinner
starting at 6:30 P.M. All Sir Knights and their families are
invited. Please bring your favorite culinary specialty to enjoy
and share with others. Dress is casual and please bring your
Vivat Jesus!
SK Marc Alvarez, PGK
Faithful Pilot's Message
“What a Sir Knight Has in Common with a Marine”
SK Gary Patishnock, PGK
New Sir Knights, welcome to the Fourth Degree! Consider the
many ways you resemble a U.S. Marine:
As a child, you undoubtedly saw Marines – or Sir Knights –
marching in a parade, swords at the ready, escorting the colors.
Maybe you wanted to grow up and be “just like them”. For
some of you, perhaps becoming a Knight meant joining an
organization that your father or grandfather belonged to – a
family tradition of service. As Marines graduate from basic
training, so you too passed through a crucible of discernment.
Each of you is a member of “the few, the proud”, as only one
percent of all Knights of Columbus stand together as Sir
Knights. Like all Marines and all Knights of our Order, you are
Semper Fidelis – that means always faithful. Not
“usually faithful” but “always faithful”.
Like a Marine in uniform, the Color Corps in tuxedo and regalia
are the visible face of our Order. You are also the best recruiter
the Order has, so wear your uniform proudly. This goes far
beyond regalia – it means wearing your membership badge at
church, a tie tack and lapel pin at work, even a K of C golf shirt
or bumper sticker. Don’t be surprised if someone at work
gives a hand salute and says “Vivat Jesus!” or someone asks
what is the meaning of the emblem that you are wearing.
Beyond outward symbols, it is your conduct that is the best
recruiter – so recruit by your words and deeds daily.
As a Sir Knight you stand apart – a Christian gentleman, family
member and patriot. You stand as a part of the most visible
aspect of our Order. But you never stand alone. It is said that
“behind every Marine or Sir Knight stands a woman who is
amazed.” It may be your spouse or mother, but there are
always those around you who are proud of what you have
become. Remember that supporting and involving your family
members is an important part of being a Knight.
Both a Marine and a Sir Knight answer the call for service and
sacrifice. The Order will not ask of you to make “the ultimate
sacrifice” as many Marines have made, but we will ask you to
give what time, effort and treasure that you can. Use your
talents to better the community, volunteer at a Veteran’s
hospital, educate our youth in patriotic principles and
support our faith.
Congratulations and “Semper Fi!”
SK Gary Patishnock, PGK
Admiral's Report
The Officers and members of the Michael J. Curley Assembly
are proud to have fourteen new Sir Knights join the 4th
Degree this year and we welcome all the new Sir Knights to
our Assembly. I hope that each new Sir Knight will get involved
in the important work ahead of us.
Judging by the turnout at the 4th Degree Exemplification this
year, the Archdiocese of Washington District Assemblies
continue to grow stronger every year. The Exemplification was
very an impressive event and the District Exemplification
team performed excellently again this year.
On behalf of the membership team, I would like to thank our
Faithful Navigator, John Landicho for working so hard to
coordinate the membership activities this year. Our
membership success was directly due to his efforts. But I am
not surprised by his success; John has always been a very
dedicated and hardworking 4th Degree Knight. He has set the
bar very high for all of us in the Assembly.
Here are the new Sir Knights:
1. Fr. Jose J. Arriaga
2. David W. Bennett
3. Peter E Monti
4. Fidelis E Chendi
5. Lloyd D. Creger
6. Selma D. Kpadeh
7. Michael J. Liska
8. David M. Stephens
9. Alfonso J. Talavera
10. Matthew O'Hare
11. Henry C. Baird
12. George Kollie
13. Robert J. Matovich
14. Percy Tiglao
S/K Rick Askins , PGK, FDD, PFN
Trustees Report
Here are our Officers for the next fraternal year (2010-2011)
elected May 3:
Navigator: Marc Alvarez
Captain: Gary Patishnock
Pilot: Dick Bissell
Comptroller: Tom Young
Scribe: Mark Manak
Purser: Paul Simon
Inner Sentinel: Bill Brilvitch
Outer Sentinel: Rick Rekus
Admiral: John Landicho, PFN
Trustee 3 year: Don Kutzera, PFN
Elected in other years:
Trustee 1 year: Arnie Rausch
Trustee 2 year: Rick Askins
We elected no delegates nor alternates because next year
there is no biennial meeting.
Bill McMahon, FDD, PGK, PFN
Faithful Comptroller's Note
In order to effectively serve our community, our Assembly
relies on funds from your dues. Although most have paid,
some have not. Dues were due on January 1. If you
have not already paid, please do so soon. If you
have, thank you. If you have an extenuating circumstance,
please contact me at
SK Tom Young, Faithful Comptroller
Upcoming Color Corps Activities
May 16, 2010 – Our Lady of Lujan Mass
Report at 12:45 PM for 1:30 Mass
Basilica of Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, DC
Crypt Church
There will be a Procession with a Statue of our Lady, followed
by four banners, then four Flags. A row of seats will be
reserved in the rear. We will wear Black Tux Jackets for this
16 May 2010 – 16th Annual AMS Memorial Day Mass
Report time is 3:45 PM.: for 4:30 PM Mass. BLACK TUX
PLACE Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception, Washington DC
29 May 2010 – AWD Color Corps Competition
May 30, 2010 Outdoor Mass at Council 2809 Picnic Grove
Report at 8:30 for 9:00 AM Mass; Flag Retirement Ceremony
after Mass. White jackets, no swords.
May 31 2010 - Memorial Day – 10:00 AM Outdoor Mass at
Catholic Cemeteries
Time: Report at 9:15 – For 10:00 AM Mass
Place: Gate of Heaven Cemetery - Silver Spring, MD
Sunday June 6th
5:30 PM report (after 5:00 PM Mass) for approximately a
6:10 PM start of the Corpus Christi procession with
benediction to follow with Fr. Ted at St. Mary of the Mills
Church in Laurel, MD
White jacket with swords for procession only
Color Corp only requested for procession; not for Mass!
In the event of rain, Fr. Ted says we will do a shortened
procession in the church aisles!
Saturday June 26th
District turn out at “The Shrine” for the 13th Annual National
Filipino Pilgrimage
1:15 PM report for 2:00 PM Mass
White jacket (No Sword)
There will be adoration starting at 10:00 AM at the Shrine.
When is it our turn to move? We're READY ! In Parade
Formation for the 2010 Laurel Mainstreet Parade.
Moving into place for the parade.
A new member of the Laurel Parade Flag Team for 2010.
Administrative -- General filing, typing, copying, record
(VAVS) Representative's Report
Here is a brief overview of the process by which a person can
be certified or qualified to participate as a volunteer to serve
our Wounded Warriors and retired military personnel.
Editor's NOTE: In lieu of providing a telephone number, due to
Editor's NOTE: In lieu of providing a telephone number, due to
this newsletter being posted on the open internet, the following
web link can be utilized to start the process:
1. Call Voluntary Service Office to schedule an interview
1. Call Voluntary Service Office to schedule an interview
appointment (Monday or Tuesday) and an orientation
appointment (Thursday).
2. Complete:
• Application For Voluntary Service" (VA Form 10-7055)
• Medical History Form
• ID Badge, Vehicle Registration and Fingerprint Information
• Request for One-VA Identification Card (VA Form 0711) -
2. Complete:
• Application For Voluntary Service" (VA Form 10-7055)
• Medical History Form
• ID Badge, Vehicle Registration and Fingerprint Information
• Request for One-VA Identification Card (VA Form 0711) -
Highlighted areas only
3. Bring completed volunteer application packet and two forms
3. Bring completed volunteer application packet and two forms
of ID (List of accepted ID attached) to Voluntary Service Office
(GC103) on day of interview appointment.
4. The day of your appointment you will meet with a voluntary
4. The day of your appointment you will meet with a voluntary
service specialist for approximately 15 minutes and go to
Occupational Health (1C118) for TB Screening (PPD
Test or Chest X-ray). Report again for the results to be read
Test or Chest X-ray). Report again for the results to be read
within 48-72 hours (2-3 days).
5. Return completed "Volunteer Clearance" form to VS Office
5. Return completed "Volunteer Clearance" form to VS Office
on the day of your orientation.
6. After completion of orientation in voluntary service and
6. After completion of orientation in voluntary service and
orientation with worksite supervisor, you must return to
Voluntary Service and get necessary documents and go to
Security. Orientation should take 2-3 hours.
7. Report to Police & Security, ED Section (Rm. 1A102) to get
7. Report to Police & Security, ED Section (Rm. 1A102) to get
a (photo) Volunteer ID Badge, Fingerprint & Parking Decal.
8. Return "Volunteer Clearance Form" to Voluntary Service
8. Return "Volunteer Clearance Form" to Voluntary Service
Office (GC-103).
Data Entry Clerk -- Enter data into hospital/personal computer
Data Entry Clerk -- Enter data into hospital/personal computer
system utilizing various software (training available)
Administrative -- General filing, typing, copying, record
keeping, etc.
Receptionist -- Answer phone, give information & greet
Receptionist -- Answer phone, give information & greet
patients, staff and/or visitors
Friendly Visitor -- Visit and read to patients who have few
Friendly Visitor -- Visit and read to patients who have few
Craft Room Attendant -- Stock & distribute craft supplies,
Craft Room Attendant -- Stock & distribute craft supplies,
check veteran IDs
Recreation Assistant -- Assist therapist with recreation
Recreation Assistant -- Assist therapist with recreation
Munch Bunch Feeder -- Assist in tray preparation & patient
Munch Bunch Feeder -- Assist in tray preparation & patient
Globetrotter -- Assist patients with walking
Chaplain's Escort -- Escort patients to/from Chapel Service
Globetrotter -- Assist patients with walking
Chaplain's Escort -- Escort patients to/from Chapel Service
(Sat & Sun)
Chaplain's Video Assistant -- Operate monitor for video to
Chaplain's Video Assistant -- Operate monitor for video to
rooms (Sat & Sun)
Window Aide -- Distribute meds to veterans after scripts have
Window Aide -- Distribute meds to veterans after scripts have
been filled by pharmacist
Medication Aide -- Pre-package meds & assist in meds
Greeter -- Greet and inform veterans of procedures and give
Supply Clerk -- Inventory and distribute prosthetic devices
Technician -- Assist in the fabrication of dental prosthesis
Driver -- Transport ambulatory patients to/from
Supply Clerk -- Inventory and distribute prosthetic devices
Technician -- Assist in the fabrication of dental prosthesis
Driver -- Transport ambulatory patients to/from
Thank you for answering the call by volunteering your time
Thank you for answering the call by volunteering your time
and talents!
Vivat Jesus!
SK Tom Lank, PGK, FDD, PFN
VA Updates Online Application for Health Benefits
WASHINGTON – Veterans will find it easier and faster to
Vivat Jesus!
SK Tom Lank, PGK, FDD, PFN
VA Updates Online Application for Health Benefits
WASHINGTON – Veterans will find it easier and faster to
apply for their health care benefits now that the Department of
Veterans Affairs has updated its online Form 10-10EZ,
“Application for Health Benefits.”
“VA is committed to tapping into the best that technology has
“VA is committed to tapping into the best that technology has
to offer to ensure Veterans receive the benefits they have
earned,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.
“We continue to look for new ways to improve access to care
and benefits.”
This revised online application provides enhanced navigation
This revised online application provides enhanced navigation
features that make it easier and faster for Veterans to apply
for their health care benefits. This new version also allows
Veterans to save a copy of the completed form for their
personal records.
The most significant enhancement allows Veterans to save their
The most significant enhancement allows Veterans to save their
application to their local desktop and return to the application
at any time without having to start over. Previously, Veterans
had to complete the form in a single session.
This updated online form, along with the revised VA Form
This updated online form, along with the revised VA Form
10-10EZ, reduces the collection of information from Veterans
by eliminating some questions. In addition, there are minor
changes to simplify the wording of questions and provide
clarity in the instructions. Further enhancements to the online
application are expected to be delivered in increments
throughout 2010.
Veterans may complete or download the 10-10EZ form at the
Veterans may complete or download the 10-10EZ form at the
VA health eligibility website at
may also contact VA at 1 (877) 222-8387 (VETS) or visit the
VA health eligibility website at
Information for Veterans about Health Care Reform
Many Veterans have questions about the new health care
Information for Veterans about Health Care Reform
Many Veterans have questions about the new health care
reform law. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) offers
the following information about the law and its impact on
Veterans. This document addresses only the most pressing
questions that have been raised. VHA will provide additional
information about the new law as it is developed.
Nothing in the new law changes anything about VA health care.
The law contains many complex provisions, including many
Nothing in the new law changes anything about VA health care.
The law contains many complex provisions, including many
reforms to the practices of the health insurance industry.
Nothing in the new law changes anything about the Veterans’
Nothing in the new law changes anything about the Veterans’
health care program.
Enrolled Veterans may still rely on VHA for their health care
Enrolled Veterans may still rely on VHA for their health care
in the same manner as before the law.
Beginning in 2014, everyone will be required to have
Beginning in 2014, everyone will be required to have
health care coverage
The law requires that every individual must have some form
The law requires that every individual must have some form
of health care coverage. The coverage must meet a minimum
standard so that everyone will be able to have a minimum
level of care. Congress wrote into the law a provision that says
the Veterans’ health care program, administered by VHA,
meets the standard for health care coverage.
Enrolled Veterans do not have to purchase additional
Enrolled Veterans do not have to purchase additional
Because the Veterans’ health care program meets the standard
Because the Veterans’ health care program meets the standard
under the law, Veterans enrolled in the VA health care program
do not need to obtain additional health care coverage.
Veterans may continue to purchase additional coverage if they
Veterans may continue to purchase additional coverage if they
wish, but the law does not require them to do so.
Sick & Deceased Report
- Sick: Faithful Admiral SK Don Kutzera; SK Richard
Sick & Deceased Report
- Sick: Faithful Admiral SK Don Kutzera; SK Richard
Branson (4th Degree Choir); 11619 Chaplain SK Rev. James
Betz, ; 11619 member Mike Leser; 11619 Chancellor Sam
Owusu; Maureen Hannan; Ginny Novak and Kate Finan.
- Deceased: 11619 Treasurer Pete Einolf (May 13, 2010)
- Deceased: 11619 Treasurer Pete Einolf (May 13, 2010)
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