Master’s Log
March 2011
Let us welcome the March 12, 2011 Class of New Sir Knights who were exemplified this month. How will we include them in our Assembly activities? What plans do you as Assembly Officers and members have for them to become active?
By now your Faithful Navigator has appointed or will soon be appointing a Nominating Committee to put together a slate of potential officers for the 2011-2012 Columbian Year. What are your expectations for these Sir Knights and the Programs they may propose? It is so important to elect Leadership that will be active. Simultaneously, we need to include and encourage many more members to be active Sir Knights. The two go hand in hand. As I go about the district and attend meetings and Color Corps events, I see many excellent candidates as potential leaders of an Assembly. I would like each of you to consider what it is that you could be doing to build up the activity level of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus. We are the Patriotic, Educational, and Visible Knights of Columbus. If we truly believe we are, then we need to show it.
How can you, your Council and your Assembly better Serve God and Country? As Fourth Degree Sir Knights, be visible in your Council, your Church, and your Community. Consider, what could you do to help servicemen and women and our veterans? Let's actively support and help secure more Chaplains in our military so our servicemen and women can still practice their Catholic faith under these Chaplains' guidance. Pass on the lessons of Patriotism to our youth. Be an active Sir Knight of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus. Also, please work to help bring other Knights into the Order. Let’s do this by recruiting ONE First Degree Knight. But the challenge is to follow him through the second and third degrees. Accomplishing this task, we will have ready and waiting a new Fourth Degree Knight.
We also need to take a bit of a break now and then, spending some time preparing for Lent and Easter. As Fourth Degree Sir Knights and Ladies, let us strive to do even more this year. Praying a Beatitudes Rosary (See this in a separate cover), attending weekday Mass, Stations of the Cross, quiet time for prayer, and self-imposed fasting are just some examples. Lent is a time that we should not concentrate on giving up something, but concentrate on giving something of ourselves to our family, friends, community and church. It is my prayer that it be God’s Will that our country will once again be A Nation of Light and Life with Freedom for All.
Pray to St. Michael and the Holy Spirit to watch over our service men and women. Pray especially for those who return home with the mental, emotional, and physical wounds of combat. Please, let us not forget SK Brian Adkins. Please keep him and all fallen Knights in your prayers.
We are One Nation Under God, but it does come at a price. God Bless America, and God Bless you and your families!
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