Monday, June 9, 2008

"Practice" Dispatch Newsletter

The Dispatch

Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly No. 383
Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree
Archdiocese of Washington District
Meetings held at 8:00 P.M. - First Monday of each MonthPrince George Council, College Park, Maryland

Volume I - No. 04 "Knights Dedicated to the Service of Others"

Faithful Friar's Report

Holy Father's Prayer Card, entitled, Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI Apostolic Journey to the United States, April 15-20, 2008:

"Almighty Father, who pours forth blessings in abundance upon us, we humbly pray that you will inspire, guide and protect Pope Benedict XVI on his pastoral visit to the United States. Lord God, bless our Holy Father who comes as a messenger of peace and charity to all people of faith and goodwill. May his presence in the United States serve to build up the bonds that unite us who are each made in your image and likeness, and may his teaching and witness strengthen the faith of the People of God. Father, we lovingly entrust Pope's Benedict's visit to the care of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of the Americas. Through her prayers may he be preserved from all harm, and may he shine forth with the truth of the Gospel that he proclaims, and may his presence among us foster a renewal of Church in our Country, we make this prayer, through Christ our Lord. Amen."

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