Sunday, November 30, 2008

DISPATCH Newsletter for Dec. 2008 - Jan. 2009

The Dispatch
Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly No. 383 Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree Archdiocese of Washington District Meetings held at 8:00 P.M. - First Monday of each MonthPrince George Council, College Park, Maryland

Volume I - No. 05 "Knights Dedicated to the Service of Others"

Master's Log For December, 2008

As we look forward to the month of December, our Fraternal Year is almost one-half completed. I asked a couple of questions last month and I ask again, “How is your assembly doing with the plans, programs, and activities that the Faithful Navigator laid out in July?” Is it time to make a course correction or to step it up a notch? There is still plenty of time to have an outstanding year. Let's do it. I personally would like to thank all who made a special day for the District Staff – Installation of Officers on November 15, 2008, – even more special. It was a very meaningful and spiritual event. We all thank you.

We celebrated the month of November as the month of Thanksgiving, but more than that - it was a month of Remembrance. It was the time of remembering. Remembering and praying for all the souls gone on before us. For the Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree, this past month has been special. Many of the Assemblies and Councils held Memorial Masses for our fallen brothers and family members. Many also held special Veterans’ Day Events or took part in local parades. The purpose is not only to remember our veterans but to thank them. Every Veteran (and any man or woman in active service) should hear two things when he returns from service: “Welcome Home.” and “Thank you.”

The types of activities shared during the month of November set a great prelude for the month of December. Other than shopping, exchanging names, decorating the home, we have a very special reason to prepare for -- Advent (from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming") is a season of the Christian church, the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus, in other words, the period immediately before Christmas.

The progression of Advent may be marked with a calendar beginning on 1 December, a practice introduced by German Lutherans. At least in the Roman Catholic calendar, Advent starts on the 4th Sunday before December 25; in other words, the Sunday between November 27 and December 3 inclusive.

Enjoy the special gatherings and social events during December, but remember that Advent is a time of spiritual preparation. Prepare yourselves and remind each other that Jesus is the Reason For the Season.

In all of the joy we may have, Christmas in many cases is a difficult time for our military men and women to be separated from their families. It can be even more difficult for families of disabled or deceased veterans. As Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus, ask Mary to protect and watch over our Service men and women and their families now and at all times. Ask Mary to protect our homeland and keep it One Nation Under God. God Bless you, your family, and America during this very special season.

Merry CHRISTmas!

....a special message from Master Smallwood:

Worthy Sir Knights (those who supported the Master's Installation) :
The words “Thank You” seem not to be enough for what Nancy and I feel for all of you. The Mass, Installation of Officers and Dinner was a total success. It could only be a success because of the talented people we had putting it together and those who came to be there in support of the District.
The events started with an excellent Mass offered by our District Friar, Fr. Peter Daly and District Associate Friar Msgr. Richard Hughes. Both performed the Mass with such dignity. The Homily offered by Fr. Daly set the tone for the evening. It pointed out that “fear of the Lord” is not what we think it means, but what we should see is the awe of the Lord Who wants us to follow in His path. The beauty and sanctity of the Mass was elevated to another level with the beautiful music that supplemented the Mass under the direction of the new District Choir Director SK Anthony Colbert and pianist, Lady Diane Wood.
What can one say about the guests, the Sir Knights, friends, and family -- Nancy and I were very honored and were made quite humble for the support that each of the Assemblies, Councils, and dignitaries made by being present at this most special event. From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you all so very much!!!
Yours in Christ,
Charles and Nancy Smallwood,
Master & First Lady
Archdiocese of Washington District
Knights of Columbus

Faithful Navigator's Report

SK Don Kutzera, PGK, PFN

As 2008 comes to an end, it gives us a time to reflect on the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us, in which we must Thank the Lord our God, from whom all good things come!

During the first meeting of the New Year, we will have our “Renewal of Obligations” with our Master of the 4th Degree, Charles Smallwood.

A very special thank you goes out to Faithful Captain John & Lady Cora Landicho and all those who helped put together our annual Assembly Christmas Party! To all that were unable to attend, you really missed out on a great evening! A great night with fun for all!
Attendance was estimated at 80 people. Marcel Prunesser, son-in-law of Paul Simon, won the raffle of the framed photo of Pisa. SK Dick Bissell won the Early Bird Drawing.

On March 22, 2009, our annual 4th Degree Exemplification will take place at the University of Maryland College Park. If you know of a 3rd degree member aspiring to join us in the 4th degree as a “Sir Knight”, have him contact the Assembly immediately!

Please remember to say a decade of the rosary +++ for all our troops who have fallen in Iraq and their families!

SK Don Kutzera, PGK
Faithful Navigator

Faithful Captain’s Report
S/K John Landicho, PGK

We held our Assembly’s Annual Summer Picnic at PG Council 2809. By all accounts, everyone had a happy and pleasant time. We say thank you to S/K Tom Barrett and Lady Ann for the donating the food items and to Lady Cora Landicho who donated the sodas, water and charcoal. A special thank you to Lady Carolyn Lank who made the “cross-stitch” that was raffled during the picnic. S/K Hugh O’Donnell, PGK, won this item. Also a special thank you to our expert BBQ cooks—S/K Tom Lank, PGK, PFN and FDD and S/K Jim Landicho—for their efforts. And, thank to all Sir Knights and their Ladies who brought side dishes.

By the time this article is published, we will have held our Annual Christmas party, scheduled for December 12, 2008. It took take place at PG Council 2809. S/K Don Kutzera, PGK and Faithful Navigator was the “chef” for the beef and Lady Cora Landicho was the “chef” for the spiral ham--these food items were furnished by our Assembly. Lady Carolyn Lank was in charge of the Chinese Silent Auction. Special thank you to S/K Bill Mahon, PGK, PFN and FDD for the wonderful framed picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and to S/K Rick Askins, PGK, PFN and FDD who made the raffle tickets. Thanks to all Sir Knights and their Ladies who brought side dishes and items for the Chinese Silent Auction.

Lady Cora and I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and we wish all a blessed New Year.

Faithful Admiral's Report
SK Rick Askins, PGK, FDD, PFN

Simple acts of patriotism are sometimes overlooked in our society today. People do not always think about honoring our veterans or respecting our symbols of freedom. Also, we as citizens sometimes fail to exercise our freedom of speech to defend our Country’s traditional Christian principles. However, 4th Degree Sir Knights take patriotism as an important obligation. For example, whenever we visit our veterans in hospitals and nursing homes; whenever we properly honor the flag of our Country and other symbols of Freedom; whenever we speak up for religion and morals issues in our country, we are fulfilling our obligation. However, we need help to place patriotism in the forefront of minds and hearts of all people in our community. For this reason, we need to ask our 3rd Degree brother Knights to become a part of the 4th Degree. If you have not done so, please ask Knights in your council to be a part of our Patriotic cause.

Vivat Jesus,
SK Rick Askins

2009 4th Degree Exemplification Details:
The 39th Exemplification is scheduled for 22 March 2009. It will be held at the University of Maryland UM Conference Center.
Honoree: The Most Reverend Bishop Martin D. Holley, Auxiliary Bishop

Location: University of Maryland University College
Inn and Conference Center (Marriott)
University Boulevard at Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland


To be eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree, candidates must be:
(1) Over 18 years of age; (2) A Third Degree member in good standing in his Council, and who was initiated into the First Degree prior to September 22, 2008; and (3) A practical Catholic in union with the Holy See, and (4) a US Citizen, or willing to Pledge Allegiance to USA.

Fees: The basic fee for candidates is $70.00.

A special fee for priests and members of religious orders is $35.00.
A deposit of $30.00 and/or full payment should accompany each candidate’s application. Each candidate receives one (1) banquet ticket to the Fourth Degree Banquet. Additional banquet tickets are available at a cost of $45.00 per person.

The fee for the Ladies' Activities is $20.00.
All checks must be made payable to: Master, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. All applications, banquet reservations, outstanding fees, and Ladies' Activity reservations must be received by the District Secretary on or before March 12, 2009. There will be no refunds or changes after this date. Please forward all applications and reservations to SK Ernest E. Harley, Secretary to the Master, 14721 Harvest Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20905-5642.

To ensure that all applications are accurately completed, the candidate’s application must be received, voted on, and approved by the Assembly before it is submitted to the Secretary to the Master.

Schedule: Sunday, 22 March 2009
9:15 AM Mass
10:30 AM - Registration of Candidates/Ladies Meet and Greet
11:30 AM - Ladies' Activities (Paid Reservations Only)
12:00 PM - Exemplification of the Fourth Degree
4:00 PM - Reception in the Main Concourse
5:30 PM - Banquet


To ensure that all applications are completed accurately, the candidate’s application must be received and approved by the Assembly before submission to the Secretary of the Master. It is important, therefore, that candidates and/or proposers contact the Faithful Navigator or membership director for any Assembly specific information.

Applications, Banquet Reservations for members and guests, and Ladies Activity Reservations should be made on or before March 15, 2009.

The deadline for receipt of applications by the Secretary is March 12, 2009.

All balances must be paid in full on or before March 15, 2009. There will be no refunds for cancellation after this date.

Program Ad Book Information:

As with past Exemplification’s, the District will publish a program book for the new Sir Knights and banquet attendees. We ask all Assemblies and Councils in the Archdiocese of Washington District to take an ad in this program book.

The costs of the program ads are:

Inside Front and Rear Covers................................................. $250.00
Full Page .................................................................................. $100.00
Half Page ................................................................................... $65.00
Quarter Page .............................................................................. $45.00
Patron Ads ................................................................................... $5.00

The deadline for all ads will be February 28, 2009. Send the ad in now and avoid the rush. After the program goes to print, there will be no inserts, so if you are planning on taking an ad, do so as soon as possible.

Checks should be made payable to “Master Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus”. You can email your ad (WORD is preferred) or mail your ad (camera ready copy is requested) and fees to:

SK Franklin W. Woodbury DD, PFN
(703) 998-0140

Oratorical Contest Chairman's Message
SK Dick Bissell, PGK

Brothers All,

I have to apologize to everyone for biting off more than I can chew ! ! ! I agreed to once again head up the effort to bring our young folks together for our Oratorical Contest in January. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my Financial Secretary job has taken on a life of its own. I'm consumed by way more work than I could have anticipated, and I can't foresee when I will have it under control. I would rather not do a job half-heartedly, so I must beg off the contest for this year. If things work themselves out over the next year, perhaps we can try to have the contest again next year. Have a wonderful Christmas and God bless.

Oremus pro Invicem,
SK Dick Bissell

Veterans Administration Volunteer Services (VAVS) Report

SK Tom Lank, PGK, FDD, PFN

Photo of Veteran's Day November 11, 2008 Curley Assembly/Council # 2809 Visit to King Health Center Assisted Living facility for retired Veterans.

SK MSGR Bazan, SK John, PGK and Lady Cora Landicho along with SK Tom, PGK, FDD, PFN and Lady Carolyn Lank visited the King Health Center (Assisted Living) on behalf of the Prince George's Council #2809 and Curley Assembly # 383 Knights of Columbus on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2008.
Lady Carolyn, Reporter "on the scene" in the Recreation Day Room, interviewed
US Navy Petty Officer (Retired) Louis DiCrode, Jr. who told Reporter Lady Carolyn of his many decorations earned in his service tours. These Decorations/ /Awards included:
4 Bronze Stars, 3 Purple Hearts, 3 Navy Commendations, 2 Silver Stars, 2
Good Conduct Ribbons, 1 Navy/Marine Corps Commendation and
1 Navy Achievement Award.


We served sheet cake and ginger ale to the residents in their rooms. Prince George's Council and Curley Assembly members visit the disabled retired veterans every
Veterans Day! Please join us next November 11th, 2009!
Collecting religious items for our Troops in Iraq.
Small crucifixes, rosaries, and small medals are being gathered at the December 20 District Meeting for the Catholic members of our Armed Forces in Iraq. If you would like to donate any of those items, please get them to our Faithful Captain, John Landicho or Color Corps Commander, Tom Lank before Saturday morning, December 20.

Faithful Color Corps Commander's Message
SK Tom Lank, PGK, FDD, PFN

A photo of the November 24th Memorial Mass at Prince George's #2809.

Thanks to
SK Michael Rousseau
SK John Landicho, PGK, FC
SK Dick Bissell, PGK, FS
SK Chris Emelife,
SK Paul Simon, FTreas.
SK Arnie Rausch, PGK, PFN
SK Jim Gordon, PFN
SK John Winfrey, PGK, PFN, FDD, FM
SK David Knitowski, PGK, PFN, Vice-Color Corps Cmdr

Great "Turn Out" Sir Knights. . .
A BIG THANK YOU to Sir Knight Mike Rousseau for his dedication as the
LONE Color Guard who joined Vice Color Corps Cmdr David Knitowski on Saturday November 15, at St. Hugh for the Archbishop's dedication ceremonies of the new "Icon / Illustration" behind the Altar. Well done Sir Knights!

I want to thank the Sir Knights of the Color Corps for their unselfish participation and dedication to the Archbishop Michael J. Curley Color Corps in the first half of Fraternal Year 2008-2009.
Your presence helped to assure the success of council installations in July, August and September. You can be proud that the families of our deceased Sir Knights appreciated your support of their loved ones by the respect you paid every deceased Sir Knight at their Wake. Finally, THANK YOU for "turning out" in November at council Memorial Masses at St. Mary of the Mills (# 2203), St. Hugh (# 10885) and Prince George's (# 2809) to honor their fallen Brothers.

Vivat Jesus,
SK Tom Lank
Sick & Deceased List for December

Sick: Michelle Bloomer, (cancer), daughter of SK Bill McMahon, PGK, FDD, PFN; SK Dave Knitowski (eye surgery), PGK, PFN; Claire Sabol, sister-in-law of SK Paul Sabol # 10885; Sr Perpetua, (Pallotine Sister); SK Paul Simon; Mother-in-law of SK Rick Askins, PGK, FDD, PFN; Archbishop Okafor, SK Cyril; Victims of attacks in Mumbai, India; Pat McGee; SK Don Kutzera, PGK, FN (broken collarbone); Marie Simmons, wife of SK Dave Simmons.

Deceased: Mother of John Coffey, PGK # 2809

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