Master's Log
Worthy Sir Knights:
Please allow me to extend to each of you, your family, your Assembly and all Brother Knights a very “Happy Memorial Day”! This is a day that we all should give thanks to all those who have gone on before us. May we forever be thankful and remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Please take the holiday weekend to connect and reconnect with those you love. It is so true that our days are filled with so many things that we fail to remember who and what should be first. God and family should always top our list. When it is all said and done, those are the things that will matter the most. However, please always keep in our thoughts and prayers those who gave so much for us to have our freedoms.
To help re-educate and remind all of us of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed in December, 2000, which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans " to voluntarily and informally observe, in their own way, a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps."
Just for your information: The Lyrics and the History of Taps is cited below:
Taps Lyrics:
Day is done,
gone the sun,
from the lakes,
from the hills,
from the sky,
all is well,
safely, rest,
God is near.
Fading light,
Dims the sight,
And a star gems the sky,
Gleaming bright,
From afar,
Drawing near,
Falls the night.
Thanks and praise,
For our days,
'Neath the sun
'Neath the stars
'Neath the sky,
As we go,
This, we, know,
God is near.
History of Taps:
The 24-note bugle call known as "taps" is thought to be a revision of a French bugle signal, called "tattoo," that notified soldiers to cease an evening's drinking and return to their barracks or garrisons. It was sounded one hour before the bugle call that brought the military day to an end by ordering the extinguishing of fires and lights. The last five measures of the tattoo resemble the modern day "Taps".
The word "taps" is an alteration of the obsolete word "taptoo," derived from the Dutch "taptoe". Taptoe was the command -- "Tap toe!" -- to shut ("toe to") the "tap" of a keg.
The revision that gave us present-day taps was made during America's Civil War by Union Gen. Daniel Adams Butterfield, heading a brigade camped at Harrison Landing, VA, near Richmond. Up to that time, the U.S. Army's infantry call to end the day was the French final call, "L'Extinction des feux.". Gen. Butterfield decided the "lights out" music was too formal to signal the day's end. One day in July 1862, he recalled the tattoo music and hummed a version of it to an aide, who wrote it down in music. Butterfield then asked the brigade bugler, Oliver W. Norton, to play the notes and, after listening, lengthened and shortened them while keeping his original melody.
He ordered Norton to play this new call at the end of each day thereafter, instead of the regulation call. The music was heard and appreciated by other brigades, who asked for copies and adopted this bugle call. It was even adopted by Confederate buglers. This music was made the official Army bugle call after the war, but not given the name "taps" until 1874.
The first time taps was played at a military funeral may also have been in Virginia soon after Butterfield composed it. Union Capt. John Tidball, head of an artillery battery, ordered it to be played for the burial of a cannoneer killed in action. Not wanting to reveal the battery's position in the woods to the enemy nearby, Tidball substituted taps for the traditional three rifle volleys fired over the grave. Taps was played at the funeral of Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson 10 months after it was composed. Army infantry regulations by 1891 required taps to be played at military funeral ceremonies. Taps now is played by the military at burial and memorial services and is still used to signal "lights out" at day's end.
Fraternally yours,
Charles H. Smallwood, Master
Archdiocese of Washington District
Faithful Friar's Message
This weekend we remember our honored dead, those men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the defense of our nation. Memorial Day, Monday, is more than the unofficial beginning of summer, more than the end of school or picnics and the opening of the local pool. It is a day when we hopefully stop and take a conscious moment to remember those who died that we might live in freedom. How easy it has become to forget these valiant souls who, like us, have every reason to live, but were willing to lose their lives that the ones they love might live.
For us who are centered in Christ, it is so like Him. Putting others before Himself, He died that we might live. Although His response was in a nonviolent manner, the courage of both Christ and our deceased warriors is still the same. It is not the courage to fight, but the courage to give up what we want, LIFE, for those that we love. How petty selfishness, greed, pride, egotism, vanity, being short tempered, impatience, laziness, and all other forms of me- ism seem compared to the selfless sacrifice of these brave men and women. So much like Christ, maybe not in the way they lived, but certainly in the way they died. Now it is a great time for us, in our moments of remembrance, to see if we can't live like Christ and live for others so that no one would have to die for them. Peace is such an elusive goal, but so strongly desired by all people, maybe the sacrifice of these fallen heroes can inspire us.
Faithful Navigator's Report
Beginning July 1, there will be a new slate of Assembly Officers for the 2012 Fraternal Year.
On June 17, 2011 the Assembly is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a catered BBQ.
At the Exemplification of the Fourth Degree for priests on February 14, 2011, Curley Assembly had two priests make the degree, Rev. Harry Stokes of Saint Mary of the Mills in Laurel and Rev. Donald Sullins of Saint Mark in College Park. At the Exemplification on March 12 we had 16 new members become Sir Knights for a total of 18 new Sir Knights. During the event our Faithful Captain, SK Gary Patishnock, was sick, so, SK Rick Rekus, his wife Mary and daughter Rose provided short notice support to our hospitality room. SK Rick Rekus also served as a sentinel during the exemplification. Much thanks to Mary, Rose and Rick for keeping the hospitality room operating.
On April 4, 2011 AMJC Assembly held a dinner to welcome our new Sir Knights. About 75 members attended including 10 new Sir Knights. Food was great and all enjoyed the celebration.
The Color Corps has participated in 45 turn outs. On March 14, 2011 we went to Saint Joseph's Regional Catholic School in Beltsville to present the oratorical contest awards to five students. Here we presented the Colors and then gave awards to five students, first and third place for seventh grade and first, second and third place for eighth grade. On April 1, 2011 we went to Holy Redeemer Catholic School in College Park to present one oratorical contest award. Here we escorted the Colors and gave the second place for seventh grade award. The evening of April 01 we went to Saint Hugh's in Greenbelt to provide the Color Guard for Saint Hugh Day Mass.
The investiture for the assembly officers for fraternal year 2011-2012 has been scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2011 starting at 1700 (5 PM) at Saint Mary of the Mills Catholic Church in Laurel.
The Color Guard has participated in 58 turn outs. Most recently the first mass officiated by Reverend Michael Paris on June 18, 2011 in Saint Mary of the Mills Church. We will end the fraternal year by leading and carrying the canopy for the Corpus Christi Procession near Saint Mary of the Mills.
Vivat Jesus,
S/K Marcos Alvarez, PGK, FN
Faithful Navigator
Faithful Captain's Report
Sir Knights: Mark your calendars for Friday, June 17th!
Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly #383 celebrates its 50th Anniversary and appreciates our Faithful Navigator and all fathers.
Our family “Knight Time BBQ” is catered by Kloby’s Smokehouse - Pulled pork, smoked turkey, BBQ chicken, sides and more! Just $15 per adult payable at the door (donations appreciated for kids). Dress is “Knights Casual” – extra door prize ticket if in Knights wear.
Friday, June 17th from 7PM-10 PM at the Prince Georges Council #2809, 9450 Cherry Hill Road, College Park, MD 20740.
RSVP SK Gary PatishnockGary Patishnock, PGK
Faithful Captain
Faithful Admiral's Message
On Monday, April 4, 2011, our Assembly had its annual Pot Luck--a tradition to welcome our new Sir Knights, their Ladies and children. As a result of the Fourth Degree Exemplication held in February and March, 2011, we now have 18 new Sir Knights, as listed below:
S/K Fr. Harry J. Stokes
S/K Fr. Donald P. Sullins
S/K Leo Anigbo
S/K William Castillo
S/K Joseph P. Cole
S/K Dionysius Correya
S/K Carlos Delgado
S/K Kenneth C. Duru
S/K Ruben A. Garcia
S/K Anthony O. Ijoma
S/K Oliver Ike
S/K Bill Knox
S/K Udoka Obijiaku
S/K Jose Polio
S/K Jose J. Vasquez
S/K Louis Velis
S/K Mario E. Villatoro
S/K Jose E. Zelaya
As the Faithful Admiral, I want to thank the efforts of S/K Rick Askins and S/K Tom Lank who served on our Membership Committee. In particular, S/K Rick prepared the tri-fold for our Assembly that was included in the Membership Package for candidates for the Fourth Degree. S/K Tom Lank visited two councils (Sedes Sapientiae Council No. 13295 and Bishop Thomas W. Lyons Council 9808). S/K Tom Lank and I made presentations regarding the Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree. Membership Packages were provided to the Grand Knights. Also, I want to thank all the Proposers (Sir Knights of our Assembly) that sign-off on the Form 4s for their excellent efforts. Finally, thanks to our Faithful Navigator, S/K Marc Alvarez who helped me to check in our candidates for the Fourth Degree Exemplification held at Colony South Motel and Conference Center, Clinton, Maryland.
In conclusion, we welcome aboard our new Sir Knights. We want them to participate actively in the events of our Assembly--just ask any Officer or Sir Knight.
Vivat Jesus,S/K John Landicho, PGK, PFN
Faithful Admiral
Sick and Deceased List
Sick and Distressed:
Don Kutzera, PGK, PFN Curley Assembly & State Membership Committee
Tony Salvemini, PGK, Special Projects for the State Team
Berkley Laite, cousin of Pat Hogan, PGK
For the safety of all members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are in harm's way
For all who are unemployed
Shirleyann Cohen, mother of State Advocate Steve Cohen
Agnes Lorraine Wallace Bailey, mother of Council 7914 Member, S/K Jim Bailey
Photo from the 2011 VAVS Memorial Service
The 4th Degree J. Kemp Cook "Choir Boys" and Lady Di
at the VA Hospital for the 2011 VAVS Memorial Service
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