Monday, January 2, 2012

Ship's Logs July through December 2011

Master's Logs

July 2011

The month of June was the month of transitions: Graduations, Marriages, Vacations, and New Beginnings. In our Councils and Assemblies new officers were getting ready with grand ideas and wonderful goals, budgets, programs, and building and growing. Meanwhile, the past officers were wondering where the time went, and what programs were successful and which were somewhat less successful or failed to launch.

Becoming a Past Faithful Navigator is a journey, and the path to get there was not always easy. There were a few bumps, some road blocks, some uphill climbs and a few fun runs. Along the road you learned a few things, met some new friends, and did some real good for others. Somehow with the help of a few friends it all worked out and all in all it was a good time. As the Immediate Past Faithful Navigator (IPFN), most of you will become the Faithful Admiral and Membership Director. It is now your turn to help build the assembly and make it stronger. Give the new officers the benefit of your experience, but in a quiet and friendly way. Give the new Faithful Navigator room to grow and allow a few minor miscalculations. Likewise the new Faithful Navigators should work for the designed goals, programs and plans, but allow a couple of advisors to guide you over some of the bumps in the road.

We are here in July. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!! This is that time of year that we want to have the barbeque, family outings, fireworks, etc. I ask you to add one more thing to that list of “to-dos” this day. I ask you to pray. Pray for the end of all wars; pray for the families that have given of their members to protect our freedoms so we can celebrate today; and pray for and be thankful for a country that was and will always be One Nation Under God even though there are still many who would want to keep God out of daily living. Given the world situation, we must continue to emphasize support for our veterans, our military men and women, and especially our Military Chaplains. We also need to foster programs that stress the educational aspects of the Fourth Degree. We can do this with new programs and we can do it by example. The curriculum is broad – just about anything to do with God, Country, or the Order will qualify. I would also like to see more involvement with schools and scouting. Put your thinking caps on and let’s see what you can come up with.

Worthy Sir Knights, today we have a lot to be thankful for. Please take the time to do and say those things to others to let them know that we are a strong Order of Catholic men who are always willing to show and teach about our faith for our church and belief in our country through our actions and deeds. I found the poem by Thomas D. Landels shown below to be very inspiring. Enjoy !

Thank God for life, with all its endless store
Of great experiences, of hill and dale,
Of cloud and sunshine, tempest, snow and hail.
Thank God for straining sinews, panting breast,
No less for weary slumber, peaceful rest;
Thank God for home and parents, children, friends,
For sweet companionship that never ends:
Thank God for all the splendor of the earth,
For nature teeming with prolific birth:
Thank God for sea and sky, for changing hours,
For trees and singing birds and fragrant flowers.
And so in looking back at eighty-three
My final word to you, my friends, shall be:
Thank God for life; and when the gift's withdrawn,
Thank God for twilight bell, and coming dawn.
~ ~ ~ ~

I hope the short poetry inspires you and renews your beliefs. As Charles Kingsley once said, "I

do not want merely to possess a faith; I want a faith that possesses me."

September 2011

My Brothers All:

We have officially been asked to provide Color Corps for two Masses being held at the Shrine on Saturday, October 1, 2011. The particulars for the two Masses are as follows:

1 October 2011 - Archdiocese of Washington Marriage Summit Opening Mass

TIME: Report 8:15 am – Mass: 9:30 pm

PLACE: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Crypt Church

400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington DC

DRESS: Black jackets, NO Swords

We are asking as many Assemblies as are able to have Color Corps representation to please send them.

Please note the time of this Mass and the location. This Mass has been on our calendar for several weeks now and I ask you to please make contact with the Marshals regarding your attendance.

The second call out for our Color Corps is the same day only it’s later in the day. The particulars for this Mass are as follows:

1 October 2011 – International Week of Prayer and Fasting Mass

TIME: Report 11:30 am – Mass: 12:15 pm

PLACE: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Crypt Church

400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington DC

DRESS: Black jackets, NO Swords

There is a need for 8 to 10 Color Corps needed for this Mass. I am really hoping that some of the men who come for the first Mass would also help out with the second. I know this is a long day and I will be there for both. I ask if I can have men to stand with me for Color Corps representation.

You will note that this second request came from the Vice Supreme Master of the Province. This is his first request under his watch that was directly sent to him. He has placed that request via his authority in our hands.

Please, let’s make both Masses happen. You will be receiving a call out request also from the Marshal. Please respond to him or his counterparts.

Let’s keep up the good work.


Charles H. Smallwood, Master

Archdiocese of Washington District

December 2011 Master's Log

As we view the month of December, our Fraternal Year is almost one-half over. We in the District ask you now, have you taken a look at your Assembly and asked, “How are we doing with the plans, programs, and activities that were laid out by the Faithful Navigator in July?” Is it time to make a course correction or to step it up a notch? There is still time to have an outstanding year. I know you all can do it.

We celebrated the month of November as the month of Thanksgiving, but more than that it was a month of Remembrance. It was the time of remembering. Remembering and praying for all the souls gone on before us. For the Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree, November was very special. Many of the Assemblies and Councils held Memorial Masses for our fallen brothers and family members. Many also held special Veterans’ Day Events or took part in local parades. The purpose is not only to remember our veterans but to thank them. Every Veteran (and any man or woman in active service) should hear two things when he returns from service: “Welcome Home.” and “Thank you.” The types of activities shared during the month of November set a great prelude for the month of December. Other than shopping, exchanging names, decorating the home, we have a very special reason for which to prepare. Advent (from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming") is a season of the Christian church, the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus; in other words, the period immediately before Christmas. During the celebration of this season, may you experience the grace of God and love of others to add to your remembrances.

This year at Christmas, we encourage you to make it, first and foremost, a special feast. Make your peace with God by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). Receive the Lord in Holy Communion to attest to your firm belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Gift of the Eucharist. Next, begin the New Year reconciled with God and determined to worship Him every Sunday. Pray for and embrace those who may have strayed from the Church or have been away for a while. We ask you to bring a friend or family member to join you in the Presence of God when you are gathered in prayer at your church. Enjoy the special gatherings and social events during December, but remember that Jesus is the Reason For the Season.

In all of the joy we may have, Christmas in many cases is a difficult time for our military men and women to be separated from their families. It can be even more difficult for families of disabled or deceased veterans. As Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus, ask the Mother of our Savior, Mary, to protect and watch over our Service men and women and their families now and at all times. Ask her to protect our homeland and to continue to keep it One Nation Under God. God Bless you, your family, and America during this very special season.

Merry CHRISTMass!


Charles H. Smallwood, Master

Archdiocese of Washington District

Faithful Navigator's Report

July 2011 Vision Statement

The Faithful Navigator proposes that this fraternal year our motto shall be “let’s keep our swords bright”. Let us all strive to shine in these areas and more: (in alphabetical order)

Auxiliary: We appreciate what our Ladies and our children do to support our Assembly. Do we appreciate that the auxiliary can be used to help recruit new members?

Color Corps: Our Color Corps shines at each turnout. This year the budget allows for $400 for purchasing a chalice to be used at funerals.

Council outreach: We have six councils providing members. Rather than merely asking for reports from the councils, what can we do for outreach to those councils that need our help? We should be especially mindful of St. Hugh’s as this is a “make or break year” for them. Let’s help them “make it”.

District Support: Anticipating calls for support, our budget allows for $300 supporting the Worthy Master.

Fundraising: Our challenge is “not to bleed or milk the membership dry”. Consider Restaurant nights or after-Mass breakfasts in cooperation with member councils, a true pig roast, casino night or other fundraisers besides our raffles.

Good of the Order: We challenge our Faithful Captain and Faithful Pilot to keep us all bright in matters of history, citizenship and the challenges of being a Catholic gentleman in a challenging world.

Patriotic education: We support oratorical contests for the local schools. Perhaps we can consider a poster contest for the lower grades as well?

Quarterly fraternal activities: We look forward to the Labor Day picnic, Christmas Party, the Exemplification and the end of year celebration – perhaps that pig roast mentioned earlier.

That’s a tall order for the Faithful Captain to manage – unless he has our help.

Religious support: We are pleased that Monsignor Bazan and Deacon Santiago have agreed to serve as Faithful Friar and Faithful Associate Friar. We look forward to their insight and guidance.

Revisiting rituals: From tuning up the litany to preparing for our renewal of vows, from teaching the new members to “getting the pitch just right” in the odes, we have great ways each month to keep the sword bright.

Right to Life: Not for the good of the order, but for the good of our country.

SOS – Supporting Our Scouts: That’s more than just a check for $125. Can we work with local Boy and Girl Scout Troops to help them earn merit badges? Better still – a project to rehabilitate our meeting area could be a Girl Scout Bronze/Silver/Gold Award or a Boy Scout Eagle Scout project. Veteran’s Affairs: What can we do this Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day or any day to better serve our veterans?

“X”: The unexpected: The idea of “Semper Gumby” or “Always Flexible” is alive and well. Thank you all in advance for standing up to unforeseen challenges – whatever they may be.

Faithful Navigator’s Report for October 2011

  • Held an Italian themed pot luck dinner on October 3, 2011 featuring pasta, pizza, dessert and more; used a “suggested sign up list” giving dishes, sides, supplies and more as options.
  • Gave a patriotic lesson on the meaning of Columbus Day and the importance of Italian-Americans to our history.
  • Honored Marc Alvarez, PGK, PFN with award of miniature medal and certificate; congratulated other Knights for being named Knight of the Month, recognized Color Corps for recent turnouts, thanked spouses for efforts to date.
  • Announced that next Assembly dinner will be the Christmas dinner with a German/Austrian theme and historical/religious message; date since set for December 16 at 6:30 PM.
  • Joint Assembly/Council activity at Kloby’s BBQ restaurant in Fulton, MD. on Oct. 17, 2011 Knights and guests from five area councils (including those outside our District) attended. Assembly will receive 20% of receipts of those who presented a “Knights Night Out” flyer.
  • Held a brief Executive Committee meeting onsite after dinner; allowed two Sir Knights insight into the ExecCom process and encouraged them to consider playing a more active role.
  • Will expand 2012 efforts to other restaurants in southern area of Council territory for equitable participation.

Knights of Columbus – Archbishop Michael J. Curley Assembly


Gotta Eat at KLOBY’S “Knights Night”

Kloby’s Smokehouse, known for

its great food and service, will

donate 20% of sales for the

evening of Monday, 17 Oct to

the Knights of Columbus. Join

us for the best Carolina style

pulled pork, smoked brisket,

BBQ chicken, ribs and more

along with your favorite “made

from scratch” sides. Hope to

see y’all there!

Check-out the menu at

7500 Montpelier Road

Laurel, MD 20723


Monday, October 17

Directions from Laurel and I-95: Head East on 216/Scaggsville Rd towards US-29—Take ramp onto COLUMBIA PIKE(US-29 N) - go 0.91.4 mi km;;;;;;;Take US-29 exit #15/JOHNS HOPKINS RD/GORMAN RD - go 0.30.6 mikm

Make a U-Turn on JOHNS HOPKINS RD - go 0.40.7 mikm

Turn Right on MONTPELIER RD and arrive at 7500 MONTPELIER RD on the Right

Please present this flyer when placing your order

Faithful Navigator’s Report for November 2011

Events conducted by our assembly included:

  • Meeting at 8:00 PM on November 7 and Executive Committee meeting at 7:30 PM on November 21; held Color Corps certifications and practices 1 hour prior on both nights.
  • Several knights led or participated in Veterans Day events including presentation of wheelchairs at VA hospital; separate report by SK Tom Lank to be provided via follow on email.
  • Sir Knights turned out for either Color Corps or as individual Knights at memorial masses at two area councils on two dates as well as for Mass with jacket and sword w/ Metropolitan on November 17th.
  • Shared Veterans Day religious message at 4th Degree District meeting on November 19th, FN Brother’s wedding on November 11th (as wedding toast) and via email to Assembly (see item below signature)
  • Verified status of “Knights Night Out” check from Kloby’s BBQ: $446 in sales (111.5% of top goal), check for $100 being sent to Assembly.

Councils visits where FN or other officers made a report of the 4th degree

  • By invitation of the WGK, FN visited Deacon Lynn Council 11619 on November 8, shared a chili supper and spoke of the 4th Degree during Good of the Order; designated SK Arnie Rausch as point of contact for Form 4s from this Council. Two potential Sir Knights identified.
  • Other Sir Knights made suitable remarks at their home council meetings.

Recruitment status report highlighting recruiting efforts in assisting our councils recruit new first degree members as well as our 4th degree recruiting efforts.

  • Appealed to all brothers to sponsor 1st Degree knights; at least 10 potential Sir Knights in pipeline (50% of quota)

New 4th degree candidates we have signed Form 4

  • Identified ten potential Sir Knights sponsored by SK Alfonso Talavera (!) and coordinated new SK packages with FA Marc Alvarez.

Faithful Navigator’s Veteran's Day Message

On 11/11/11 we pause and remember those who had the faith to make sacrifices for our nation in the pursuit of peace – our veterans. Veterans living and dead share a common faith to serve their country, their comrades and their God. The deepest faith Jesus ever experienced was shown by a veteran. To quote Matthew Chapter 8, verses 5-13:

When he had entered Capernaum, a centurion came forward to him, appealing to him, “Lord, my servant is lying paralyzed at home, suffering terribly.” And He said to him, “I will come and heal him.” But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who followed him, “Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith. I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” And to the centurion Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment.

May the centurion’s faith continue to inspire us to serve God, our country and each other.

Vivat Jesus!

Gary Patishnock, PGK, FN

Faithful Navigator’s Report for December 2011

Events conducted/planned by our assembly included:

  • Meeting at 8:00 PM on December 5 and Executive Committee meeting (scheduled) at 7:30 PM on December 19; held final Color Corps certification and practice 1 hour prior on the 5th.
  • Several knights participated/slated to participate in Christmas events at council and/or church Christmas parties, bazaars and events; Mass support for Advent and more.
  • Christmas party (scheduled) December 16th with a German/Austrian pot luck theme, Chinese auction, 50/50 and kickoff of patriotic winter raffle – several teachable lessons about the German contributions to Christianity and its traditions. (Will elaborate in follow on report)
  • Identified water damage on Archbishop Curley painting following building burst pipe; FP Rick Rekus to identify restoration services and spearhead fundraising efforts for same.
  • Voted to provide a $50 donation to the Military Archdiocese
  • SKs Bill Knox and Tom Lank coordinating with local authorities to have the Knights of Columbus provide a fully cooked ham dinner to a local veteran and family (Ham donated by Bill Knox, details pending)
  • Assembly reminded that renewal of obligations will occur on March 5th prior to simple soup supper in honor of Father McGivney.

Councils visits where FN or other officers made a report of the 4th degree

  • FN made/scheduled to make 4th Degree report at Patuxent and Prince Georges Council; also appeared as St. Nicholas for Good of the Order at home council (Patuxent) speaking about symbolism of candy canes as well as “the greatest gift St. Nicholas helped give our faith”..
  • Other Sir Knights made suitable remarks at their home council meetings.

Recruitment status report highlighting recruiting efforts in assisting our councils recruit new first degree members as well as our 4th degree recruiting efforts.

  • Appealed to all brothers to sponsor 1st Degree knights; at least 12 potential Sir Knights in pipeline (60% of quota)
  • “Christmas List for 2011”: Have “older and younger brothers alike and their families attend the Christmas Party on the 16th” as well as “20 or more baby brothers in April”.

New 4th degree candidates we have signed Form 4

  • Identified two potential Sir Knights sponsored by SK Rick Rekus (FP) and coordinated new SK packages with FA Marc Alvarez.

Faithful Navigator’s 2011 Christmas message

Worthy brothers all: Feel free to make any of the following comments during your Reports from the Fourth Degree, the Good of the Order and in your daily lives:

Christmas is the only Christian Federal holiday on the calendar, placed there by act of Congress in 1870 to help unify a nation torn apart by civil war. It is entirely fitting and proper for citizens and civil servants alike to wish everyone a Happy Christmas.

Remember the lessons of the candy cane at Christmas: The J for Jesus, the shepherd’s crook of both bishop (St Nicholas) and Good Shepherd, white and red bittersweet candy as the bittersweet body and blood sacrifice of Our Lord, 1 large and three (or four) thin stripes as One God in Three Parts or one crown and three nails, or one wound to the side and four nail wounds, or three gifts of the Magi for the One True King. All these and more offer the chance to teach our faith to young and old alike.

Among the gifts of St. Nicholas is his participation in the Council of Nicaea where the Arian heresy was put to rest. According to legend St. Nicholas slapped Arias in the face at the council! It is from there that we get the Nicene Creed and that all-important word “consubstantial”. Think of St. Nicholas and all the other cardinals and bishops who met at Nicaea.

Finally, besides “Keeping Christ in Christmas”, please remind your family and friends to “put another extra “s” in Christmas” , or “Christmas is not truly complete without making it into Mass…”

SK Gary M. Patishnock, PGK, FN

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson announced that the Knights will establish a shrine to Blessed John Paul II in Washington, D.C. The shrine and related exhibits will be located at the site of the present John Paul II Cultural Center in Northeast Washington. Preliminary plans for the site include exhibits on the life and legacy of Blessed John Paul II, and an exhibit on the Catholic heritage of North America. More details can be discovered at .

Near-Term Pro-Life Activities

The College Park Fall 40 Days For Life Campaign is September 28 through November 26, 2011. This was brought to the attention of the Assembly at one of the last business meetings by brother S/K Paul Simon. 40 Days For Life is a focused campaign with a vision to access God's power through prayer and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America. The campaign has been highly beneficial for women in crisis pregnancies as well as spiritually helpful for those who have been involved in praying for these women. The local effort is being directed at the abortion facility doing business as the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic, 5915 Greenbelt Rd, College Park, MD 20740 (across from the lower end of the Beltway Plaza Shopping Center).

Here are some ways we can get involved: Three 4th Degree Choir members and seven Color Corp members attended the Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Mass at St. Hugh of Grenoble Catholic Church in old Greenbelt on Wednesday September 28. Rosary from 5:45 to 6:15 PM at the abortion clinic preceded the Mass. Consider adopting a 3-hour block of time each week of the 6-week Vigil.

For more information, check out the website.

On Saturday, October 1, one Curley Assembly Color Corp member supported the Archdiocese of Washington Marriage Summit Opening Mass turnout at the Shrine and the opening Mass for the International Week of Prayer and Fasting Mass.

On October 7, one Curley Assembly Color Corp member supported the Worldwide Children's Holy Hour (Our Lady of Fatima crowning, World Mission Rosary for Peace and all families in the world, Adoration and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament).

Musicians Corner

The Assembly "Choir Boys" provided their musical support to the District Kemp Cook Choir for the following Archdiocese of Washington Fourth Degree District musical engagements: Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Mass at St. Hugh of Grenoble Catholic Church in old Greenbelt, on September 28, and the Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle Assembly Investiture on October 2. The choir also was showcased and participated in the Christmas Pageant at the Maryland State Council Christmas Party on December 10.

The 42nd Exemplification will be held at the Colony South Hotel located in Clinton, MD (NEW Location) on April 13-15, 2012.

Honorees: BishopLeonard J. Olivier, S.V.D. (Retired)

Monsignor Karl Chimiak


7401 Surratt's Road Clinton, Maryland 20735


To be eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree, candidates must be:

(1) Over 18 years of age; (2) A Third Degree member in good standing in his Council, and who was initiated into the First Degree prior to October 13, 2012; and (3) A practical Catholic in union with the Holy See, and (4) a US Citizen, or willing to Pledge Allegiance to USA.

Fees: The basic fee for candidates is $70.00. A special fee for priests and members of religious orders is $35.00. Full payment should accompany each candidate’s application and reservation form. Each candidate receives one (1) banquet ticket to the Fourth Degree Banquet. Additional banquet tickets are available at a cost of $45.00 per person. The fee for the Ladies' Activities is $25.00. All checks must be made payable to: Master, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. All applications, banquet reservations, outstanding fees, and Ladies' Activity reservations must be received by the District Secretary on or before March 24, 2012. There will be no refunds or changes after this date. Please forward all applications and reservations to the Assembly Faithful Comptroller. To ensure that all applications are accurately completed, the candidate’s application must be received, voted on, and approved by the Assembly before it is submitted to the Secretary to the Master.

(NOTE: The $70.00 Fee does NOT constitute payment of Assembly Fee's

Dues, or any moneys owed to the Assembly. This fee is to cover costs for

Candidates to take Exemplification, including Dinner.

Costs for Priests are usually absorbed by the Assemblies to honor

these Men and Brother Knights for their unselfish service to our

Order, Church, and Parishes.)

Hotel: To make reservations 1-800-537-1147, ask for the Knight of Columbus Room block, refer to the Group code AWDKofC. Mention which night you would like your stay (April 13, 2012April 15, 2012). A credit card will be necessary to reserve your room and they will charge the first night including all taxes to your card. Be sure to examine the confirmation very carefully to avoid any confusion when you arrive. If you don’t receive a confirmation, call the Colony South to follow up.

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